Ever seen an immature beetle?? Not pretty!


Son of Evil Emperor Zurg
So, I'm watching TV, thinking maybe I should do a little arranging for this weekend's Upstate SC HERF. I like to lay my loose sticks out and check their status every month or so. If nothing else, makes the living room smell good. In one 20 count humi with some gifted cigars, I see a little brown dust in a pile. Not good! I find the stick. It has two holes. All other sticks look fine. Just looked at all these things around New Years, so not worried. I throughly inspect the others and tap the foot to see if any frass residue is evident. All check out. I then do a methodical unwrapping. I don't find smoking insects that pleasant, so I sacrificed the stick for science, CSI-style. I find 3 larva, 2 active and 1 in the molting stage. I crushed one crawling larva just for fun...tobacco juice. I kept the other two for pics to shows all you BOTL/SOTL who haven't had the pleasure.

Mr. Crawly is covered with extra small silk with flakes adhered to it. He actually crawls. Mr. Molt kinds wiggles back and forth like a Mexican Jumping bean. I contacted the gifter to warn them. I'm not worried, I check my stock often and they stay at 65F in my closet. As long as you can stay within the molting cycle, no harm. Here's some pictures. Mr. Molt is smooth and white. Mr. Crawly is tan, opaque, has a red/brown head, and dark intestines on his back end. He also has body silk. Both are about the size of half a sharpened pencil lead.


You can see Mr. Molt on his back with his 2 developing dark eyes, arms folded in prayer. Mr. Crawly has his ass to us.


You can see Mr. Molt lying on his side, eyes and had to the left. Mr. Crawly has a gut load of binder.




Mr. Carwly's head to the left. Mr. Molt lying face down, soon to be dead back facing Heaven.


Mr. Crawly's head coming at you.

Be cautious and check your sticks on occassion. Word from the wise. :tu
You might want to freeze your collection. Also, if it were me, I would PM those you have sent sticks to recently.
I am PMing everyone I sent sticks to. Also, I kept the little bastages in a container. I want to see the life cycle. It's the scientist in me.
so the verdict of the mr molt and the other? death penalty? death by magnifying glass? maybe the freezer or the good'ol shoe method?
High noon, bright sun light, take your magnifying glass and focus the pin point of light on the little bastages and watch em' fry big time. Just the warrior in me.

Excellent photo's JJ, and a reminder to all Gorillas to do a little spot check on the humi from time to time...:cb
Yikes, those are scary photos. The thought crossed my mind to leave early from work today and head on home to check on the humidors. Thanks for sharing.
Fantastic thread idea. :tu

Are you still keeping them alive with some leaf in the container or letting them starve?
Gross! You should throw that stick in to a jar and watch then for a while. Thanks for the great pics, I hope I never have to deal with those buggers!
Sorry these evil beasts came your way, but I think the Grissom would be proud at your CSI skills. Thanks for the pics, quite helpful.
I kept them in a clear tube with some tobacco to munch on. Mr. Molt is done munching for right now. I'm going to see how long Mr. Molt takes to become a beetle and how long Mr. Crawly stays a larva and the duration through the molting and beetle stages.

I've contacted everyone I've sent sticks to. Everything should be fine. I located the brother stick to the infested one and the receiver knows it. I've had them since August, so the life cycle is pretty slow and long-lasting. Grissom would be proud!

I've thought about freezing them, but as often as I inspect, I feel confident by not freezing. If I see another one of these invasions, the freezer will be next.
Thanks for the Pic's. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time, freezing all my cigars. I hope you'll update us with some new pic's when those two little bastages grow up. Thanks again, it was very educational.:tu