everybody asks...

I always love when I am at a bar or party smoking and someone ask me what I am smoking and I riddle off everything I know about the smoke. They were expecting to here something like Cohiba or Montie #2 or RyJ and it catches them off guard when they hear things like LFD Double Ligero.
What floors me is when that is followed by "can I have a hit"? I always proceed to explain that its not a joint and they usually just walk away. :cb
I like to make something up on the spot...

"I really like the 2002 De La Hoya double Rancio Recto"

Unless I think they speak Spanish, then I can't play.
The first question I would ask is "You sing opera and smoke cigars?"

Yeah, lots of singers smoke, more than you would imagine. I was actually turned on to cigars by a fellow opera singer. In my circle of friends, it's about a 70/30 split between cigars and cigarettes, with cigars winning.

My voice teacher had an old advertisement featuring famous tenor Lauritz Melchior endorsing Lucky Strike cigarettes!
There are just to many great cigars on the market to narrow it down to one let alone a top 5. I go through times where I smoke more of one brand than the others. Right now my go to cigar is a Cabiguan. So I bought a box of them. Just seems to be the flavor I've craved lately the most. If given an ultimatum of having to pick just one cigar I would probably go crazier than I am now. That's why I love the huge selection at the B&M that I work at, always is giving me something new to try, because I have to be able to give the customer my honest assessment of my thoughts. That;s why it is such a tough gig.lol
#1 question I get when people find out I'm a cigar smoker: "What's your favorite?" I never have a single answer. Anyone have a certain answer?

People who ask that are not cigar smokers, so I just say "Robusto". They nod, and then go away and leave me alone.