Famous Smoke Shop Auction?


Alpha Silverback
I just happened on to the Famous Smoke Shop Auctions for the first time. It just goes to show you how naive I am. Do any of you have experience with their Auctions?

Are they as good as, or may even better than CBid? Do they suck or what?

Any input will be appreciated.

I've won an auction or two from them in the past, but much more patience is required compared to the other auction site.
I bid there sometimes. I like the fact that they carry some brands that CI doesn't. Good deals can be had, but as boondoggle says, more care must be taken.
FSS offerings are different from C-bid, and are good for that! But starting bids seem to be a bit on the North side. However, "straight prices" on some of their value lines (La Floridita, for instance) are excellent!
Famous smoke is the only place I bid and they always ship excellent stuff. I would go to cbid but I'm not 21 yet lol.
I used to bid in the Famous auctions quite a bit. I got some really great deals too. But it seemed to run in cycles. There would be good deals to be had for a week or so and then it seemed the bids would just become ridiculous. Then in a couple of weeks the winning bids would drop dramatically. Patient is the key here. Set your high bid and stick to it. If you don't win, no big deal. The same thing will be up again soon and the bids may be more reasonable next time around.
I agree with all that was said before about FSS auctions. Personally i have had limited success.
What I HAVE been enjoying is FSS's CIGARMONSTER.COM daily deal. Not all of them mind you, but it's nice when something pops on your radar and you find it's a good deal.