Finally enough time...celebratory smokes for the baby!


Bayou Bengal of Jungle
Finally I have some spare time and my laptop was finally repaired by I have snuck away to the man-room to smoke as many of my special smokes as I can...The lineup for now is:

80s Davidoff Tubo (thanks Azherfer)
Original Release Anejo Shark (thx hog)
85 Montecristo Especial (thx Marc)

I cant say thanks enough to everyone here for all the support they have given me with this hobby and throught me and my fiance's pregnancy. I have sent out some other special smokes to a few botls so we can skype herf together. I will keep u guys posted with pics and check the review section later.


Someone is going to do some one man herfing tonight.

Congrats on the baby and enjoy.
Heres a few pics, will have a review up tonight or tomm....looks like my one man herf might get cut short by the fiance/baby. But its been wonderful so far!





Wow, those look GREAT! I love the Monte, but the Davidoff... that's a quality cigar that I wish I could have MUCH more often. Congrats!!!!!
Man, those vintage sticks look deeeee-lish, especially the Davidoff! You might as well enjoy them now, as for the first few days your new addition will sleep, suck, and you-know-what. Once that first month is over, get ready for the screaming, etc... Been there and done it twice! Congrats!
Those sticks look amazing! There sure are some generous BOTL around here!

Congrats on the baby...try and get SOME sleep. ;)
Congrats on the beautiful little girl. I've got two - you're life's going to change and be better than you can imagine.