First Time I've Seen This


Sneaky Bombin Bastage
We've all seen the pics of a loaded cigar, the foot exploding in all directions. Today a friend gave me a Black Pearl Rojo Robusto to smoke at lunch. It looked great, construction was good, lit easily, and smoked just fine. But as the ash kept getting longer, it started dividing into four distinct sections. Each section of ash stayed intact, plus there was the ash from the center of the cigar. Just four sections of ash going off in different directions.

Has anyone had this happen or venture a guess for the cause? Or did I just have a haunted cigar? Thanks for your help.
Must be a Richmond thing, I had one split so it looked like bunny ears.
Cool Pic!
I wonder if it's like that from the way the filler was bunched up. Three leaves bunched together and burns into three distinct ashes. Does look cool tho! :cool:
must be something about the way altbier stores his sticks!!! or maybe they just don't like him....a personal thing and they are trying to run away!!!! :r
MocoBird said:
I wonder if it's like that from the way the filler was bunched up. Three leaves bunched together and burns into three distinct ashes. Does look cool tho! :cool:

That would have been my guess...with emphasis on the word "guess"...
Just a question Mark and George, was there a full moon and were you guys howling at it when this occurred?? Or perhaps it was bewitching hour, Sam wheres your mother??
I would absolutely love to see a thread full of strange Ash formations like that above. That is just so bizarre and so beautiful. It would be nice to see some Wierd Ass Ash Art as the Ash produced by a fine cigar can often be a beautiful thing to witness, especially when it looks identical to the original wrapper leaf, with bumps and veination and all. My favorite is ash formed by Sumatran seed wrappers. If anyone else has any cool ash pictures please share.
floydp said:
Just a question Mark and George, was there a full moon and were you guys howling at it when this occurred?? Or perhaps it was bewitching hour, Sam wheres your mother??

I still say my stick was haunted.
floydp said:
Yeah Mark did you ever get that camera??

No Frank, I sure didn't. After the computer meltdown a few months back, I had to reappropriate some funds. Still got it at the top of the list though.
Had my first Monte#2 last night, and for the first 1/4 of the cigar, there was a small offshoot on the ash. After that, it was solid.
Thats interesting. Never had that happen before. Could it be that the binder and the wrapper is burning faster than the filler and starts to constrict with the heat? I don't know. Just a thought.