Five boxes of CAO Vision...


...sitting on a table at my B&M this morning. All lit up in white plastic boxes.
Priced at appx $10. to $16. The owner (a friend of mine) said "Go ahead and buy them up so I can take the (insert non-PC slur here) box home." His minimum order to CAO was $800. to get that facing. In a few months, he'll be offering them to me at his cost just to get rid of them, and then I'll buy a few. I'm sorry CAO; to me the box looks dumb and makes me feel like I'm paying for packaging instead of cigars.
Amen. I saw these at my local B&M today, at prices up to $17.95. The packaging is a little over the top. I have a feeling that if the put them in normal packaging, they wouldn't cost half as much!!!

Went to a C.A.O/Sam Adams dinner the other night, and stopped at the store that was hosting it first. They had a "buy 5 vision, get a free hat" deal. But, at $19.15 a pop, there was nooooooooo way I was going for it. I ended up getting a free hat, and a free box of Criollo Patos to boot, but the price point for that cigar is insane. You end up paying more for the box...even if you don't actually get one to take home.
In the TC here, a CAO Vision costs between 22.00 and 27.00, there ain't no way that I would spend that or even 5.00 on any CAO...and that box is frickin ridiculous...
We get off easy on price because there's no sales tax in NH and no excise tax on cigars...I'm spoiled, but I'm still not buying a Vision till they're in the closeout bin
..and that box is frickin ridiculous...
Actually, the box is neat and quite funtional. I use one as a desktop. However, I did not have to pay for it nor would I have. ;)

Also, since it comes with a carrying case and straps inside to hold cigars in place, it makes a great traveldor too!
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JR Cigars has them for around 12 bucks a stick or so. I didn't know they were that hard to find. Are they a limited production, or are they just new and popular?
I have seen a couple reviews on the Vision and they all say the exact same thing- Great cigar but definitely not worth the 15 bucks a stick, maybe not even worth 10. That box IMO was a screwup on the part of CAO- they wanted to create some sort of hype and excitement but didn't focus on the cigar and I think a lot of people are turned off by it just because it is such an obvious attempt at hype- come on I mean a light up cigar box? lol whats next? glow in the dark cigars?
to answer taste questions they are nothing exciting, mild to medium sweet and spicey at the start then mellows to a golden honey taste and thats about it as for cao vision value a good 8 dollar bellicoso but at 18+ in utah i'll stick to aurora 100 anos becuase they are worth the coin,much more flavor and complexity for the same price.
The box is obviously targeting a younger crowd - same people that put lights inside their PC cases, etc. It's all about marketing - look at the Acid line for instance. The same people that went right out to buy the iPhone will buy a whole box of these just to have the latest "cool" factor. The boxes are commanding upwards of $100 to $150 on ebay with no cigars at all.... so actually if you like the cigars you could buy the box of them and sell the crazy light-up traveldor thing for half the price you paid for the whole deal. At an average of about $250 for a box of 20, after you sell the box for $100 on ebay the cigars are only $7.50 each.....that's assuming you want to go to the trouble, and that you actually like them enough to bother. Much more reasonable than the $15+ asking price though.

I admit I like the box, and the idea behind it - mostly the built-in digital hygrometer, humidification device, cigar strap, and carrying case. All very cool features for a traveldor. The lights are a bit over the top perhaps for some of you, but then is it really any different than having a really nice glass fronted, cherry/zebra/walnut inlaid display humidor? A plastic ice chest will do the same job, but many of us prefer something a bit more "nice". It's just a different kind of bling - one that targets a crowd that we should all embrace as BOTL's who are helping to expand the industry and keep it alive for us all.

That box looks like something a "flamboyant, alternative lifestyler" would bring to a rave consisting of yanni and abba tunes.

Or something Sean would make into something for a PS3 case.

Not that there's anything wrong with either of those.;)

Then again, Acids marketing and style statements do nothing for me either. On the other hand, I have tried a CAO.
i got a box of vision catalyst they are pretty good smokes, i got 15 and the box for 180, thats comes out to $5.33 a cigar considering the box goes for 100 bucks on ebay plus the box makes a great travel humi, it has a digital temp and hygo on the front that are pretty acurate

The B&M by my work has them. I think they are $11.50 a stick. He has 5 boxes and has only sold a 1/2 box. He was lamenting ever getting them. Said the seal on the box is non-existant.

This is a complete marketing ploy for the those that are young with too much disposable income. See also: cold cathod in the PC, unpainted aluminum wing on the car, iphone, $50 bottle of Gray Goose at the club, etc, etc.

All flash, no substance.
I am a superficial numptie,,I fall for a the flashy packaging,,I've got the Vision humidor on my computer as wallpaper..Oh and I bought a case of Chill yesterday...

Jerry in Minnesota