For my dad.


Alpha Silverback
My Dad called me this morning at 5:00 am from the hospital. It seems he has had another "cardiac situation" (don't want to say Infarction yet). He had some discomfort and sweating so he did the right thing and called 911 and took an ambulance ride to the hospital at 1:00 am.

Enzyme levels were elevated and the cardiologist decided to be aggressive (which is good, thats what you want in a cardiologist - not someone who sits on their hands) and not wait for another round of blood tests. So they went in to do a cardiac cath.

I wish I could be there but I never would have made it in time (he is in Chicago).

So if you guys can send some positive thoughts his way, I'd appreciate it. I've always believed in the power of positive thoughts.
You father is in my thoughts and prayers, brotha. He's a smart man for preempting that situation, so I'm sure he'll be fine.
Thanks again guys. It means a lot to know you all are thinking about us.

Update is that it was a fairly serious heart attack. 98% blockage, stint was installed. I will be on my way out there early AM tomorrow.
We got some excellent news. At this point, now that the results of the cath are in and my dad spoke to a doctor, it appears that there was NO infarction and NO permanent damage. So that is great news. The stint worked, so far and the only concern now is why the blockage occurred.

Still heading out to visit, but it looks like we just got a really good scare.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts. :tu