Found a Cool Humi / Cigar Box while Antiquing


Mr. Sexy Cooler!!!
Over the weekend I was at a very cool Antique show in Brimfield Mass
During my quest to find a few old Antique pipes I stumbled upon this very cool Humidor / Cigar Box.
Not sure of the age I have still yet to google the name under the lid. Anyway here are the Pics





Very nice, I've never seen anything like that before. Do the shelves slide smoothly? It looks like they're sliding wood on wood?
Dux, have you had much luck finding old pipes? I went to numerous antique shows, festivals, sales, auctions, gathering and jamborees last Summer and only found one pipe worth refurbishing. It was a pre-republic Peterson Shamrock with a hairline crack in the shank. Bought it for $10 sold it for $40 after cleaning it up.

And uhh, well, uhh, I like antiquing. I'm the one in the family with the taste. The wife has zero sense of style. I have to drag her to all the shows.
I wonder if it is an old Perdomo Box? Some of their bands have the name Tabacalera on them. That is a cool find. Thanks for sharing.

Very cool. We are furnishing a lot of our new house with antiques so I'll have to spend some of the time at the different places looking for nice things like that.