Funny Taste in my Cigars


I have been smoking cigars for quite awhile and have tasted all different types of brands and when I won a bid on C-Bid for Rocky Patel X-Outs Liga 'E' Toro Maduro I immediately took one out and smoked it this evening. To my surprise it had a metallic taste to it along with the typical RP flavor. I kept after it and the 'metal' taste never went away even down to the last 1/4 ( I hardly ever throw a cigar away ) and thought maybe one of my fillings in my back teeth was maybe giving me a problem. I use a new Xikar cutter and the cigars came in a bundle and I took the first one out ( cellaphane ) so there wasn't any chance for the cigar to be contaminated by any outside components like a cheap metal cutter, or having it in a metal tube, etc etc.

I took out another cigar and lit that up ( Sancho Panza Torpedo ) and it smoked great, no metal or any other taste except the great taste that I have always had with this cigar. My question is two-fold, has anyone else experienced this and if so what causes it? I haven't as yet smoked any other cigars from the auction of RP's but now I have my suspicions. I trust the gentlemen on here to give me an answer as there are some pretty intelligent brothers. Thanks in advance.
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I have experienced it but it has been rare for me. For me the test is if the same cigar from the same box/fiver does it again than it's the stick.....more times than not it has been my own taste buds, which I chalk up to something I ate/drank or maybe some meds I may be on.

Just my :2
I've noticed this on cigars I got from a very small B&M humidor. I went looking for answers and this is but one I found. Take it for what it's worth.

"First, to explain, the reason why cigars have a metallic taste is because natural tobacco leaf contains small, VERY small traces of metal compounds and minerals such as magnesium, silver and iron. On their own, we can barely taste them but when combined with an anion, it can create silver chloride and this is what produces a bitter, metallic taste in cigars. Anion compounds coincidentally, can be found in ionized water and even distilled water that is not 100% pure. Certain brands of crystal gel packs have been known to contain traces of the anion compound chloride; the perfect agent for creating silver chloride. When silver chloride is mixed with our saliva, the result is an unappealing, metallic taste in our mouths.

To remedy this, the best thing you can do is make sure you're using 100% pure distilled water and lower the humidity. I know you like your cigars soft but this metallic taste is usually prevalent when the humidity is high. Some people have told me that between 68 to 71% humidity, you won't get that metallic taste so much but when the humidity reaches the mid 70's, the metallic taste is quite noticeable and becomes more distinct the higher the humidity is."
Yes, meds will definitely alter your taste buds, but if the Sancho Panza was o.k. then it's probably the cigar. Some cigars need to rest instead of smoking OTT (I seldom smoke OTT so the smokes can settle in after transit - higher temps, humidity peaks and valleys, etc.). I would store the remainder of the fiver under optimal conditions for a couple of weeks and at the same time dry-box one the last three or four days. Then do a comparison smoke on two consecutive days - of course no drastic diet changes - to see if there is a difference. It may just be the blend that leaves the odd flavor but I don't know much about the X-outs. Then you can decide from there if you want to risk buying more.

Thanks for the input so far and will rest these stogies for a couple of weeks in my humidor. Interesting story about how this metallic taste comes into play. Hope it goes away with a little humi time as the taste isn't something I relish with the rest of the box I ordered of these.
I get this on occasion, it is a metallic taste and feels a little like chewing on Tinfoil with a filling... I mostly notice it on my relights after I am slacking and let my Gar go out. In Fact It happened last week on an Ashton VSG.

Donnie W's Quote was very interesting... I am sticking with that answer! Thanks
It's probably because it's from Rocky:

Sorry, I couldn't resist! :r

Ouch, I love RP and this is the first time I have ever had this experience. It did taste like tin foil and I put them in the humi to relax for a week or so as I emailed C-Bid and they were most kind and told me if I smoked one more after another week I would be credited the amount I paid for them. Very good CS and I will continue to be a customer with them,,,God help me because I am going to be a very poor man with the deals on there.
Thats a great post, thank you.

Tobacco does leach metals from the soil.
The soils in Cuba are rich in Lithium and absorb some. There's a theory around that proposes that is the reason Cuban cigars can be so soothing.
I've had that metallic taste in cigars before. It's not good. I've had lots of crummy RP's and his IT's. 'Nuff said.
Geez, now I feel bad for jumping on the RP's suck bandwagon. On second thought I really don't.:D
I get this on occasion, it is a metallic taste and feels a little like chewing on Tinfoil with a filling... I mostly notice it on my relights after I am slacking and let my Gar go out. In Fact It happened last week on an Ashton VSG.

Donnie W's Quote was very interesting... I am sticking with that answer! Thanks

Yikes-VSG??-thats sacrilege
The only cigars I've ever smoked that I picked up a metallic taste from were Flor De Filipinas. It was a consisitent taste profile throughout the box, and I have no idea how they manage to achieve this unless they're adding heavy metals to the blend to spice things up a bit. Fairly nasty little things.

Too bad because some cigars from the Philippines I've found to be pretty decent.