Going on a trip...


So tomorrow I leave for Boston to help my little sister look at colleges (scary stuff guys....it feels like I was just doing this!)

I am going to have a buttload of free time so I plan to bring some cigars along. Thing is, I have no idea how to travel with cigars... help!

I have a nice xikar three finger that I will bring. I don't really want to check the cigars into baggage though - can I safely carry them on? I really dont want to get them stolen or confiscated..
How do you guys travel with smokes?

Cutter: I figure I will just throw this in my checked luggage. No problem.

Lighter: I really like lighting with torches. Can I safely check my torch? It looks like a blow torch though...

I really don't want to lose this guy!
Probably would need to be emptied first but idk if its allowed at all.

Thanks for all your advice.
All is good until you get to the torch. There are special travel cases you can buy to transport lighters but then you have to put them in your checked luggage. For me I just leave my lighter at home and buy a Bic or if I pass through a crack infested area (there is usually at least one next to every airport) I stop in at a 7-11 and pick up a disposable torch. :tu
you know - I was really worried you guys would say this, but I neglected to consider *gasp!* using matches....

As long as im indoors or its calm outside, I can rock matches with the best of them. (Always seem to get better lights of matches anyway, just takes a bit longer)
All is good until you get to the torch. There are special travel cases you can buy to transport lighters but then you have to put them in your checked luggage. For me I just leave my lighter at home and buy a Bic or if I pass through a crack infested area (there is usually at least one next to every airport) I stop in at a 7-11 and pick up a disposable torch. :tu

Don't you get weird flavors off of a bic? I think I do...

I have heard that using a Bic is OK only if you "toast the foot" first? How does this work?
Don't you get weird flavors off of a bic? I think I do...

I have heard that using a Bic is OK only if you "toast the foot" first? How does this work?

A Bic is just a soft flame butane lighter. I have never tasted anything after using a Bic, other than tobacco that is.
A Bic is just a soft flame butane lighter. I have never tasted anything after using a Bic, other than tobacco that is.

Going outside to try this now- I never knew this before.
I will toast the foot like with any other butane lighter.