Gorillas in Mass


Evolving Lead Gorilla
Hey, I will probably be coming up to Gardner, MA. sometime in September. Any members there or near there? Might want to go to some of the shops and maybe meet up and smoke one.

September? gezzus talk about giving us a heads up...I don't even know what the weekend stick will be.:D

We'll BOTL in Ma will do our best to accommodate.:r
Hell Mass is about the size of 4 large counties, all of them should hook up with you! Two deadly Gorillas live up there, George and Vin, be very, very careful.
You guys up there take care of one of our North Florida Gorilla Gators. You won't be able to miss him, he'll be the one with a tan in September. Have a good time up there Greg, just don't buy any Cremosas. :r
You guys up there take care of one of our North Florida Gorilla Gators. You won't be able to miss him, he'll be the one with a tan in September. Have a good time up there Greg, just don't buy any Cremosas. :r

Oh we'll take care of him alright!
Gardner . . . isn't that the town with all the furniture outlet stores? I see those ads on TV all the time.
Forgot to add that my brother-in-law took me to Victory last year when I was there. He lives in Worcester.