Great B&M


Evolving Lead Gorilla
I just wanted to put a thanks in for an experience I had today. I am going to buy a vinotemp tomorrow, and I needed some empty boxes to provide the cedar in it. I have looked at the online sources and it looked like the best i could get would be about $20.00 plus shipping for 10 empty boxes. I have only been smoking cigars about a year now, and I live in the boondocks 45 or 50 miles from Jacksonville, Fl. The closest B&M to me is the Tobacco Cove on Roosevelt Blvd. I'm not a rich guy so I don't buy a whole lot of smokes from there, but I have probably been in there 6 or eight times and bought a few each time. The guy who runs it has been very good at answering my newbie questions about storage and cigar questions. Very nice gentleman. Anyhow, I went in today and picked up a few sticks, and asked what he did with his empty boxes. He told me that he had some for sale and some for free. I looked at the for sale stack and they looked like they were the more ritzy or collectible boxes. I then looked at the free stack and they were mixed between cedar and paper boxes. There were about seven cedar boxes, and I asked how many of them I could have, and he said to take all I wanted. I got all seven of them, and thanked him profusely. I just wanted to say my experience there has been superb. Espescially from a newbie standpoint he has been very, very helpful.:ss
My local B&M will let you have the boxes when you buy the last one. So when I'm looking for new sticks to try, I always see which ones are almost empty so I can take them home with me. :ss