Great Saturday


Tatuaje Whore
Hey fellow gorillas,

I had a great Saturday and I thought I would share. First, a little back story. I'm a modest ape, don't really self-indulge and make lavish requests. When it comes to birthdays, I usually don't do much. I'm not a "Bah Humbug I'm getting older" type; but rather, it is just another day and doesn't give me the right to be a Richard. ;) Usually my b-day consists of going to work and maybe some dinner out at a place of my choice.

So... my wife being the lovely (and highly tollerant) person she is, plans out a great surprise 30th b-day party. A awesome affair with roughly 75 of my close friends and family. She spent a year planning, contacting, designing, & hiding this from me (great job, I had no idea). After it all, she told me that I deserved a party to celebrate me knowing that I would never expect/ask for it. She reserved a whole picnic area in this brand new park so we wouldn't be bothered (aka able to smoke & drink).

Even better I got a bunch of gifts (another thing I didn't expect). Some cash, some clothes, some booze (Mmmm... Vodka & Cognac), & some great smokes. I thought I would post the loot (cigars that is):


A great selection that some friends were so kind in getting me (especially the Partagas 160 at the left edge! :dr).

So lets just say I owe the wife tons for this. Take care of your significant others as when the sun does shine on you, it is amazing. I was truly humbled at this and I had a great day. What a way to kick off the new decade.

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone else's weekend is going well too.
Sounds like you've got a great wife, great friends, and great smokes. Enjoy them all...and Happy Birthday!
Wow... that is a REALLY similar instance to my 30th about 10 months ago. I play the last Sunday of every month at a local coffee house and my fiance spent 5 months planning everything out so that when I walked in to get set up, everyone I knew was there and a giant party was waiting for me. Apparently, we both have great women!

In the revenge department: her dream has always been to swim with dolphins... so for her birthday I took her to the FL Keys for 10 days and on the day that was her actual birthday she got to do the dolphin swim thing. I tried to make it un-topable. :)

Congrats on turning 30... for the first few months it is really damned weird to write it down when you have to!

Happy (early) birthday doctorcue. :bl

Sounds like you had a great time, your wife is a real keeper, that is for sure. :tu

I turn 30 this year as well, I doubt my wife will plan something as large as your party. We will probably just go out to a nice dinner and she will probably go for a walk with me as I light up a good smoke.
Sounds like you got a good wifey that supports your cigar smoking.

Enjoy them all and Have a very Happy Birthday !
Congratulations on your 30th, and on having a great wife. Your friends sound pretty cool too.

I guess we are a couple of the lucky ones. My wife is awesome too (just in case she checks up on my CS activity). No really, she's cool.
Oops I think I just emailed a link to this site to my fiance'. Happy b-day man and congrats on having a great wife.