Have you ever thrown away cigars?


I just rec'd a box of Padron 2k maddies and I needed to make room in the cooler for them. I had 3/4 of a bundle of Oliveros XL for Men that I tossed to make room. They have been sitting there for over a year. I kinda felt bad about it, but I know I'll never smoke them and they are just so bad that I wouldnt even bomb them on my worst enemy.
Have you ever tossed away any perfectly good cigars?
I just rec'd a box of Padron 2k maddies and I needed to make room in the cooler for them. I had 3/4 of a bundle of Oliveros XL for Men that I tossed to make room. They have been sitting there for over a year. I kinda felt bad about it, but I know I'll never smoke them and they are just so bad that I wouldnt even bomb them on my worst enemy.
Have you ever tossed away any perfectly good cigars?

I would think you would offer them up here, in the WTS forum. You may not like a particular cigar, but that doesn't mean nobody does...just my :2

I can not say I've ever thrown away cigars that didn't have a problem of some sort.
I havent thrown any away, but if i was thinking about it, i would send them to the troops before i threw them out. Bc even a halfway decent smoke is better than no smoke.
There are thousands of troops serving our country that would love your smokes. Why not send them to the Troop coordinators? Just saw that you are from North of the border, there are Canadian troop supporters as well. I can understand if they were Cremosas, but it sure seems like a waste. :dr
You could offer to send them to the troops as well. A smoke you hate might be somebodie elses favorite. If they don't like them, they could always toss them. I have never thrown away a perfectly good cigar.
I have a neighbor who I've given smokes to to make room in the humidor.

And you can send the troops pretty much anything and they'll be happy. A lot of them are young guys just happy to be smoking. Hell, when I was 18 I would smoke Backwoods. :BS
I did throw out a hand full of Thompson's house blends before I got very involved on CS. Would probably offer them up for free as a yard 'gar on here if I had it to do over again. Not sure they were troop worthy! :ss
I have a neighbor who I've given smokes to to make room in the humidor.

And you can send the troops pretty much anything and they'll be happy. A lot of them are young guys just happy to be smoking. Hell, when I was 18 I would smoke Backwoods. :BS

Ha! You still smoke them! And Free Cuba too!:r:bn
There are thousands of troops serving our country that would love your smokes. Why not send them to the Troop coordinators? Just saw that you are from North of the border, there are Canadian troop supporters as well. I can understand if they were Cremosas, but it sure seems like a waste. :dr

Absolutely. Rather than throwing them out, send them to the troops. They'll appreciate them, and you'll feel better about it, too.
Ha! You still smoke them! And Free Cuba too!:r:bn

Sh*t... I still smoke Backwoods. Of course it is when I've been :al all day. Which for me is quite often.

Yeah, troops love smokes... let them decide to pitch them or not. If we send them enough; a couple of tossed sticks won't matter.
I havent thrown any away, but if i was thinking about it, i would send them to the troops before i threw them out. Bc even a halfway decent smoke is better than no smoke.
Duh, I didnt even think of that. Ive never sent any to the troops before, but I am going to do that instead. Im going to have a look at the cigars for troops thread and make sure they, along with some nice premium cigars go to some very deserving recipients.
Thanks for the advice and for pointing me in a much better direction.
I have, but it was a single here and there that I didn't care for. If you have a bundle I say donate them or offer them as free yard gars. If it's just one or two then disect them... it's neat to see the insides:tu
I don't know about sending the Oliveros. We got some in a troop package and they tasted like someone pee'd on them. Think throwing them out was the right move. :tu
I don't see me sending troops my rejects. "Thanks for fighting for our country and here are some cigars I hated so much I was willing to throw them away."