Henry is "Off the CS Air" for now...


Chestbeating Pack Leader
THANK YOU to so many BOTLs/SOTLs who've ordered your Henry's tool sets!

And THANK YOU for the feedback on the "saved cigars"!!!

It means more than you'll ever know!!!

We got a bit of negative feedback. That means going back and figuring out what we did wrong.

We'll double back... look at the tools again, and do the best we can.

In the meantime... Our return policy is quite simple: Return the set, and we will return the purchase price plus return postage, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Not sure what "negative feedback" you have gotten but I like my tools. I have used it many times on those dang stubborn Cubans. Even though I was one of the lucky ones to get them free as an "official tester". For the price I don’t see how many folks could complain too much. If you save a few cigars they pay for themselves. Thanks again and keep up the good work and tell Henry I said hello. RJT
Everyone I have spoken with has said they are life savers........ I was actually wondering if you still have any for sale?? Sorry to hear about issues...........

All I have to say is if you get any returns, put my name at the top of the list for at least two of the sets!! (I don't expect to be seeing a PM anytime soon with an offer to sell me a returned set!!!!)

Looks like a great tool set for those that got in on the purchase. Glad they gave Henry an activity to keep him going, and hopefully helped to keep his mind off of life's many problems.

Thanks for coordinating this deal for both the CS members and for Henry!! Wish I could hit you up with some RG, but I get that "must spread more rep around...." notice!
Haven't used my set yet.

But I wonder what the negative feedback was. These things look great.
Just received my SE set and I think they are great. I don't have many plug problems, maybe 1 or 2 a year, but those one or two are maddening! I am very happy with Henery's product and your effort to get these tools out to us. Maybe there is something to the saying that you can't make everyone happy.

Thanks again to you both.
Henry's tools are a must have cigar accessory. I've used them on two occasions and both times they performed flawlessly and did exactly what they were intended for. They saved what might have been two cigars that would have been tossed and turned both into a pleasurable smoking experience. If more become available in the future, don't hesitate for a second to pick up a set.

Thanks again to Steve and Henry.
I am glad I have mine (both sets) and I wouldn't let anyone buy them from me at thrice the price.

Tell Heny he has a quite a few fans and I hope he has a great new-year.

I can't understand what you mean by issues. Here's a testamonial that I will stand by and if you want I will mail it to you signed.

I got the SE set for myself and another BOTL here and let me say this. They work FLAWLESSLY!!!!! I keep my set at the cigar shop and I can't count on both hands and feet how many cigars were saved by my set. I often tell all the regulars that come in to prelight draw their cigars and as soon as one says it is a tight draw I hand them the proper size tool and explain how to use it. From my owe personal use and all the times I handed the tool to the BOTL/SOTLs at the shop, I recommend these to EVERYONE.

If anyone wants to return them, send me a PM because there are quite a few people I know that want them.

Thank You Henry for making them and to you Steve for getting me a set!!!

I love mine.

How often do you get both beauty and functionality in a product?

AFAIC, Henry: 1...detractors: 0.
I'd like to pass on that my Henry's tools have thus far saved 5 cigars for me...considering I only smoke one or two a week due to the cost and inaccessability of cigars here, saving 5 cigars for me is alot of saved money!

Feel free to pass that on to Henry!
Thanks, guys!

I KNOW Henry will appreciate reading this stuff when I join him this afternoon for a cigar and a few fingers of bourbon!

We're going to look at the handles... Look at the shafts and tips... Test the adhesive compound Henry is using... And generally try to figure out what we can do better!

In the meantime... Our return policy stands: If for ANY REASON, you are dissatisfied with Henry's Cigar Tools, return them, and we will refund the purchase price plus return shipping cost, no questions asked. As Henry will say, "PERIOD!"

And in the meantime... If you have any problems, or need any additional information about the tools, please feel free to email us at: neef.norris@netscape.com

For some reason, I received a PM from you about some feedback. I'm a little flustered over this, as I have never used your tools, never inquired about your tools, or never left any sort of feedback about your tools. I have no idea why you contacted me about this issue, but if you could respond, it would be appreciated, as you have not replied to my PM's.