How did you start smoking cigars

My first cigar was 14 years was gifted by my best friend to celebrate the birth of his son. I don't remember what it was, didn't particularly enjoy it but I didn't have to choke it down either.

About a year later I attended a charity shotgun tournament with Norman Schwarzkopf and other celebrities (Stormin Norman was a celebrity back then). A guy on my team was passing out Hemingways like they were candy...I must've had 3 or 4 that day. I thoroughly enjoyed them but still didn't pick up the hobby.

Then in 1996 or so a buddy of mine quit the FAA and started his own cigar company. His name is Nick Perdomo, perhaps you've heard of him. Anyway, I pretty much smoked Perdomos non-stop for about a year. They were okay but quickly I moved on to Hemingways and was on those exclusively for about 8 years.

Now I'm happy to say that Perdomos are much better and they are one of my staples. Pretty much of Hemingways now though there's nothing wrong with them.
Watching the sunset on the deck of a cruise ship with my brother, a beer and a cigar. Shiiiiii..t
That was over 10 years ago.
I had my first cigar ten years ago at my brother's wedding. Since then it has become a family event. At least one gathering a year we all get together and lite one up.
I did at one point smoke cigs...but I had quit and years later a friend gifted me a cigar...thats how I started.
Never smoked or chewed tobacco. I just wanted to try out cigars. I am intrigued by products that are made from a few natural ingredients that can be made into an infinite amount of different flavors (beer, wine, whiskey, cigars, etc).
I have a friend who smoked cigars long before my other friends and i did. We used to hang out and one day he offered me one, then i tripped and started falling down the slope. I forgot to thank him :ss
I started a bit too was mostly just experimenting, but I liked the flavor. I forgot what I had...It was an $8 gas station stogie though (I knew all the places that didn't card...yeah I was a pain in the a__ as a kid)....well eventually I dropped those and smoked black & milds for a while (my bar-hopping days...B&Ms kill the less then good taste of cheap beer).

After a few more years, I rediscovered cigars....bought a full box of George's Reserve...and a few years after that I discovered Punch, and then stopped for a while (couldn't afford it)....then recently I discovered the liquor store across the street has a humidor full of tasty cigars....grabbed a Dunhill, a Macanudo and an Arturo Fuente.....and the spiral kicked in full-bore.
I never smoked cigarettes. I bought my first cigar at a kiosk at Downtown Disney in Anaheim. It was a vanilla flavored cigar. I dont remember the brand but I do remember it was mild.

I bought my first "real" cigar at the Venetian in Vegas in April '08. It was a Quintero Robusto. To me it was a very impressive because it was box pressed.

I smoked it a week later. It was a horrible smoking experience because it was bitter. Im sure it was from over puffing or improper lighting.

I educated myself about the DO's & DON'Ts. I have smoked close to 30 cigars since then. I would say my favorites are the Montes.
True, but to be fair, this is more of a conversational/banter thread than the typical Q&A threads that can be more appropriately searched. Some of the ones you found are years old and, besides--I might not care as much about those responders (or they're long gone...)

I agree with this 100%. I think threads like these are fine to have once in a while. It's not like asking "Cellophane on or off?" where you'll get the same number of "ON!" & "OFF!" responses over and over again. In this thread it's actually interesting to read the replies.

I smoked cigs from 16 - 23 (25 now). I'm fairly sure if I wasn't a cigarette smoker I'd never have tried cigars. I think the correlation is not there for people who started smoking older, but those of us that started on cigars in our teens were more likely to be cigarette smokers.

I smoked a phillie once when I was 17 and remember being disgusted. Throughout college I smoked backwoods and bundle cigars I used to buy from this dude who sold them off a table on Broadway for way too much money.
Orally. Has worked out great, so far.

another orafice..hasn't worked out too well so I switched to troutbreath's method..

I was a Senior in HS...wanted to try one before the prom..Then on and off in the military. Was never into cigarettes due to the smell..Most cigar smokers don't start till their late teens early twenties as a hobby.
Never smoked cigarettes, in fact, I hate them. My uncle got me into handmade cigars when I was 18, back in 1993. We were on a family vacation in Ocean City, MD and he gave me one of Thompson's brand (back then they were actually decent quality.) I was hooked from the start. I spent the rest of the week making trips to the local cigar shops and stocking up.
I was never a cigarette smoker and in fact, have never put a cigarette to my mouth.

I started smoking cigars during high school. There was a guy on the golf team who would buy us packs of Backwoods before we would hit the course. I enjoyed Backwoods throughout high school and in college wandered past a REAL cigar shop and picked up a few and began smoking hand made cigars then.

Once I graduated and moved to where I currently live, I found myself visiting the local B&M's near me more and more and now have two well stocked humidors thanks to many generous BOTL's on this site, and my lovely wife.
My best friend and I planned the road trip I just got back from, and we planned on bringing cigars with us. 18 years old, you gotta' do it. I didn't smoke anything, but I'd have a cigar with my dad on fishing trips. So one night we went into a store looking for Backwoods and ended up with 2 packs of grape Phillies. I decided at that point I ws going to do some research and invest in some real cigars like we used to smoke on fishing trips. I found this forum, re-seasoned my dad's old humidor, and bought some cigars for the trip. I ended up decimating them long before Zero Hour, and a few purchases later I now have a half-full 300 count humidor.
I first started smoking the occasional cigar in college, usually Marsh Wheelings, which were made in nearby Wheeling, WV, and fit a college boy's budget. Later I became almost exclusively a pipe smoker, only smoking the occasional cigar.

Recently I injured my hand, which made operating a lighter difficult. Pipes require several relights during the course of a smoke, so I began smokng a few cigars from my coolerdor, and found I've really been enjoying them. Now I want to stock my coolerdor with a nice supply of various cigars to go along with my pipe smoking.
True, but to be fair, this is more of a conversational/banter thread than the typical Q&A threads that can be more appropriately searched. Some of the ones you found are years old and, besides--I might not care as much about those responders (or they're long gone...) :ss

Thank you! Just because a question has been asked before does not mean that it's forever banned from being asked again. If I ask what everybody thinks about a cigar I just had it does not mean that I have not searched CS it may just be that I want feedback from those on the board now.
I've smoked a few cigarettes over the past 30 years since high school although never really considered it a habit. I'd smoke a couple of packs over a weeks time and then wouldn't smoke for 6 months. This went on for 10 years or so until I got married and then it was a pack a year. As for cigars, I had a couple of gas-station variety over the years but about 3 years ago, I vacationed with a old friend of mine who started smoking cigars several years before. After smoking my first "real" cigar that he gave to me, I knew that it was down hill from there:hn. I now have a full 200 count humidor and smoke 4 or 5 cigars a week. Funny thing is that my friend who started me on cigars, seldom smokes now but when we are together, I supply the cigars.:cb