How do you deal with the girlfriend/wife when she tells you she hates cigars!

Is she hot?
Lets face it, the hotness factor always place a part in any decision...

I'm going to have to disagree.
No amount of "hotness" is worth the grief.
Trust me on that.
It's got to be easy.

My girlfriend knew up front that I smoked cigars.
Starting our third year together.
Accepts it without any conditions.
I've been puffing for over twenty years.
It's who I am.
And she is who she is.
It's all good.
I got extremely lucky with the girl I'm dating now.

2 years ago, when I quit smoking cigarettes, her father introduced me to Cigars, and I haven't looked back. We have since moved into a apartment together, and she doesn't mind me smoking cigars in front of her at all.
I am a very polite smoker, and I'd say 90% of the cigars I smoke..don't bother her..some I have do, but not to the point where she would say "Put it out".(she's not like that)

My GF is also very supportive of this hobby, and she even went to Cigar fest with me last year, and had a wonderful time.

Here is my Italian Hottie:
I got extremely lucky with the girl I'm dating now.

2 years ago, when I quit smoking cigarettes, her father introduced me to Cigars, and I haven't looked back. We have since moved into a apartment together, and she doesn't mind me smoking cigars in front of her at all.
I am a very polite smoker, and I'd say 90% of the cigars I smoke..don't bother her..some I have do, but not to the point where she would say "Put it out".(she's not like that)

My GF is also very supportive of this hobby, and she even went to Cigar fest with me last year, and had a wonderful time.

Here is my Italian Hottie:

So what you'e saying is only date girls who had fathers that smoked cigars and then we won't have any problems?
My wife hates it, but I do my best to smoke when she's not around and make sure I shower and brush up before bed.

It's all about give and take. Make the effort not to offend her and she'll be more forgiving to you. :tu
From reading this thread, I must be a very lucky gorilla. My wife likes the smell of cigars. We both agree that we would rather keep the smell outside. She always asks what I am smoking and whether it is good or not. She comments on the cigars that she really likes the smell of.

When I outgrew my humidor and wine coolidor she suggested that I find a larger cooled humidor. I bought an cooled Avallo 2000 and now she likes for me to show it off to guests.

The only time I get grief from her is when I buy cigars that I don't have room to store. :ss
I am my own boss. If I want to smoke a cigar and the time or the situation warrants it........I am smoking the cigar.

I have to agree here. It's not like you need your girlfriend permission to smoke. Just be respectful and don't smoke around her if it bothers her. My wife doesn't like the smell of smoke but she would never try and tell me a can't do it. I just don't smoke in the house(I have kids anyway)
Lots of good advice on here.

Mine complained that my hobby was to expensive and it was gross and nasty. So I said I'll open another bank account for my cigars and you won't know how much I spend on them and I will just smoke when I am not around you. Big Big Big mistake. She screams you are going to what?
I think to myself OH SHIT! Can of worms I didn't want to open.
My response: I am going to smoke cigars if I want to. You go get your nails done and shopping and all that. All I do is smoke cigars and play golf every now and then. I don't spend near the amount of money you do on that stuff. She was pissed. I said I am a grown man and I will smoke cigars if I want. I quit smoking cigarette's for you so now I am smoking cigars. Which would you rather. She stomped off all pissy and a few days later she brings me a bag of smokes home and apologizes and what not. Says that if you want to smoke you can smoke. She then tells me that she doesn't mind the smoke just how much I was spending. Wait it gets better we go over to her parents for dinner a few weeks after all this happened and her dad says Hey you want to go get a cigar? Her jaw about hit the floor and I couldn't help but smile at her and walk over to pick her jaw up off the ground.

It's all about the give and take. Granted we aren't married and if my smoking would have continued to be a problem and I probably would have found a girl that would let me smoke. She is suppose to love you for who you are not who she wants you to be. Good luck brother!
Yea, basically my girlfriend absolutely loathes the fact that i smoke cigars . . . just wondering what you say to get them off your back a little bit and get them to be more accepting of the hobby!

Well here is an effective if expensive answer to your problem that worked for me not only with cigars, but with motorcycle, power tools, big tv, and many other things I want but my wife hates or could care less about:

1. Buy your girlfriend something she really wants, or better yet, tell her she should really pick out a nicer <pocketbook> <car> <shoes> <etc.> and buy it for her.

2. Repeat step 1.

3. Buy a box of cigars/motorcycle/tv and light up that stogie!

4. Buy Big bouquet of flowers for girlfriend and tell her she is beautiful (it is important that you smell like a cigar when you do this.)

5. Repeat steps 1-4 as necessary

6. After a few months your girlfriend will associate smell of cigars with good things and maybe will even smoke with you!
Yea, basically my girlfriend absolutely loathes the fact that i smoke cigars, although i find it to be an incredibly soothing and enjoyable hobby.
Obviously many of you have similar problems -- just wondering what you say to get them off your back a little bit and get them to be more accepting of the hobby!
Its not like i am blowing smoke in anyone's face or anything. Just some sage advice would be much appreciated :D

What exactly does she not like about it? Maybe a better understanding of what she hates might help us help you with a solution.
You guys are funny. :) Your wives/girlfriends can hate anything and everything about cigars if they want to if it's your hobby it's your hobby. You never know, they could come around. Fortunately for me, I'm addicted and like to indulge every now and then with the King. It wasn't always like that and now I'm going to herfs (when invited) and meeting some pretty interesting people. I mean honestly, how many of you guys want to be involved in everything your girls do for fun? Go get your hair done together, shopping for who knows what, maybe even knitting. Okay now I&#8217;m being mean&#8230;anyway what I&#8217;m trying to say is everyone has their niche, sometimes it works on both sides and sometimes it doesn't. Shouldn&#8217;t have to change who you are to make her happy, if she doesn&#8217;t support what you like then she doesn&#8217;t deserve you.
You guys are funny. :) Your wives/girlfriends can hate anything and everything about cigars if they want to if it's your hobby it's your hobby. You never know, they could come around. Fortunately for me, I'm addicted and like to indulge every now and then with the King. It wasn't always like that and now I'm going to herfs (when invited) and meeting some pretty interesting people. I mean honestly, how many of you guys want to be involved in everything your girls do for fun? Go get your hair done together, shopping for who knows what, maybe even knitting. Okay now I’m being mean…anyway what I’m trying to say is everyone has their niche, sometimes it works on both sides and sometimes it doesn't. Shouldn’t have to change who you are to make her happy, if she doesn’t support what you like then she doesn’t deserve you.

you know, if you and james ever break up, you are going to have to beat off half the guys on this board with a stick....

and I agree with her. Good luck man!
Luckily for me, my girlfriend loves the smell of cigars, especially humidors. And also luckily for me, she actually likes watching me smoke them, although she would never try one. :w
I would have to say show her the door. I don't care how hot she is, you know the old saying, show me a hot chick and I will show you a guy who is tired of Fkn her. If she is not accepting of your hobby she is not the girl for you. If you submit to her you will be unhappy for the rest of your life, because ther will always be something else she doesn't like and wants you to stop doing. I am lucky my fiance is accepting of my hobby. She doesn't know how much I spend on it, but she know it makes me happy and that is all that matters. I say you have to live your own life and find a companion that wants to live and enjoy it with you.:2
It better you find out now then after you marry her!!!
I must be one of the lucky ones I have a smoking lounge in my house and the wife sits in there and watchs movies with me and never says a word:ss And no she is not a smoker herself. I can even finsh smoking a few cigars and we head up stairs to get biz no teath brushing or nothing!!!:r I guess I am a lucky man for or anniversary she bought me some 80's Davidoff Chateau Margeauxs :D
I think I will keep her!!!

Holy crap. You win. Got a fan club yet? do I say this?

Think of it this way: if this is now, while you're still only dating - what do you think it might be like when you've been married for years?

Take this for what it's worth, from someone who has been there: women who try to change their men - whether it be his friends, or the way he dresses...or that he smokes cigars - NEVER change.


They get WORSE.

Now, remember - I don't know you or her, I'm only responding to a thread in which someone asked for advice...I can only recount my personal experience and let you apply it as it pertains to your situation. /End disclaimer. :D

My ex started out as the sweetest, most accommodating woman you could ever want; 17 years later, she was one of Satan's minions, trying to change each and every thing about me, stabbing me with the red-hot pitchfork when I didn't capitulate. Sometimes just for laughs.

Yours is already starting out ahead of that curve. That does not bode well.

That's all I'm saying.

At this point in my life, at an age when, presumably, I can afford even less to be choosy about the ladies, I have a zero tolerance policy with passive-aggressive behavior.

If a woman I meet has even a hint of a problem with the fact that I smoke cigars...or have cats, or watch Modern Marvels, or doesn't like the car I drive or the color of the shirt I'm wearing - I read her "The Rules of The Lengua".

And rule number 1 is that she doesn't get to act on any negative opinion she has of anything about me.

At least not until she gets the **** out.
You guys are funny. :) Your wives/girlfriends can hate anything and everything about cigars if they want to if it's your hobby it's your hobby. You never know, they could come around. Fortunately for me, I'm addicted and like to indulge every now and then with the King. It wasn't always like that and now I'm going to herfs (when invited) and meeting some pretty interesting people. I mean honestly, how many of you guys want to be involved in everything your girls do for fun? Go get your hair done together, shopping for who knows what, maybe even knitting. Okay now I’m being mean…anyway what I’m trying to say is everyone has their niche, sometimes it works on both sides and sometimes it doesn't. Shouldn’t have to change who you are to make her happy, if she doesn’t support what you like then she doesn’t deserve you.

Well said :tu Lucky for me my wife hates to shop.