How ironic, today I sent cigars to Cuba

Okay, after reading this thread so far, some of you have absolutely no clue about what you are posting about.

Taltos has made an excellent point.

Unfortunately, we don't have the SecFor in GTMO to slow anything down.

on another note, the "lease" is $2,000 a year to be paid in Gold - whoever said $1 has no clue.

The PRIMARY mission for GTMO was A REFUEL POINT.
I said 1$ as a throw away point in a pointless argument.
One of the guys deployed with my wife in GTMO, asked me to send him some cigars. He wanted me to buy him some Quarums and send them to him. I know he likes Acid's so I sent him some Kuba Kuba and an assortment from my stash. I just find it funny that here this poor guy is in "the promised land" of cigars and the best he can get there is Quarums and the store there is out of them and a few hundred yards away, across the mine field and armed Marines is the mother load of tobacco goodness. How sad!

Mine fields and armed Marines...I'l take my chances.:gn
As far as your opinion of our base on Cuba, you were born after the Cold War and some of your observations are not valid. Do some research on reparations and see if your concern is for Cuban Cigars or for the Cuban People.

I understand and agree with your point about Cuba's seizing of these people's tobacco farms and the need for reparations. However, to use my age (being I was born after the conflict) as a basis to basically say I know nothing is purely ridiculous. You haven't said anything here to carry your side of the argument. To add to that I'd like to mention you're forgetting several points in history where America has erected missile (or anti-missile) sites close to other countries that has gotten us into unfavorable relations. Even recently Bush has reached an agreement to erect anti-missle systems in Poland at the dismay of Russia. But whatever. Like I said, this thread wasn't intended to debate politics so I am faithfully swearing to refrain from continuing debating after this post.

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I understand and agree with your point about Cuba's seizing of these people's tobacco farms and the need for reparations. However, to use my age (being I was born after the conflict) as a basis to basically say I know nothing is purely ridiculous. You haven't said anything here to carry your side of the argument. To add to that I'd like to mention you're forgetting several points in history where America has erected missile (or anti-missile) sites close to other countries that has gotten us into unfavorable relations. Even recently Bush has reached an agreement to erect anti-missle systems in Poland at the dismay of Russia. But whatever. Like I said, this thread wasn't intended to debate politics so I am faithfully swearing to refrain from continuing debating after this post.


Guantanamo Bay Naval base was established in 1898, with a lease covered in the 1903 Cuban-American Treaty, well over half a century before Castro and his band of thugs took the rest of the Island and turned it into a prison.
In any event, they don't accept our $2000 in gold when we try to give it to them every year, so it really isn't doing business.

I like to think of it as an in-your-face to the Castro regime. "Here we are, neener, neener, neener!"

But it is a shame someone can't toss some nice smokes over the fence.
In any event, they don't accept our $2000 in gold when we try to give it to them every year, so it really isn't doing business.

I like to think of it as an in-your-face to the Castro regime. "Here we are, neener, neener, neener!"

But it is a shame someone can't toss some nice smokes over the fence.

Now that is funny.

This was a great post till a couple jerg-offs took it where it wasn't intended to go.
If you go to the old gate, you can see the wire hangers they hook at the top of the fence (which is about 30 feet in the air) to do the same thing back to the Marines.

I joked with the Gunny's down there, why couldn't they toss some smokes over instead of leaving a wire hanger??

Wow, this is an interesting post...

All I can say is the past cannot be erased in all cases. There are corrupt people, politicians and militants all over this word and we can debate about all of it and get nowhere because we have different views of the situation.
I just wish that one day some of you get to travel to Cuba, not the base, but Cuba itself and meet the Cuban people. They are as proud as any Canadian or American.
I've been traveling to Cuba since 1989 (almost every year and sometimes twice a year) and only took up cigars in 1996. I have a few close friends that live in Cuba and even though they are poor, they smile every day.
No one is starving there. They appreciate life better than most of us. Most of our lives are based on material things, including myself. It's the Canadian/American way.
They are free to do what ever they want if they wish to explore the world but the only problem is that it's way to expensive for them to do so. The system in place makes it very difficult for them to get out, so that's why they try to flee the country. One day, I hope this whole situation gets better, and I beleive their people will be a lot better off.
In order for all of this to happen, our politicians need to forget the past and move forward.