How much Spitting?


Evolving Lead Gorilla
Well as you know if you've been smoking cigars a while, they make you relax and clear your head. And as I just got done with a partagas short a random thought entered my head-i sure spit a lot while smoking cigars. A lot. I just don't like swallowing that tobacco flavored spit. I thought id enter some random discussion here and ask if you guys spit a bunch or swallow. Don't think dirty now!!! I don't smoke cigarettes and i wonder if you do if your more adjusted. Your thoughts?
I have a client that spits so frequently while smoking he asks for an empty cup with napkins even at cigar bars. Its kinda gross but to each their own. I just drink as I go so no need to spit.
Ive smoked cigarettes in the way way back past and chewed tobacco even then. But I didn't spit. I do however spit the small pieces of occasional tobacco that comes from the cut after smoking a short bit... I dont know why... but that is just my humble opinion.
I have never needed to spit when smoking, but I see lots of discussion on it. Not sure why most of my friends and I don't seem to feel the urge.
When outside I spit all the time while im smoking. I also spit while im driving. I dont spit while im indoors and I try not to when Im around alot of people. Funny u ask the question tho:tu

PS. My crew hates it but oh-well:D I feel like spitting now:dr:bn
I find spitting helps to clear my palate. I don't feel the need to do it though if I'm drinking something.
I only spit if I get a bit of tobacco when doing a test draw. Otherwise, I always have something to drink when smoking. Mostly non-alcoholic, rootbeer or water is my drink of choice. Seems to clear the palette between puffs. I never have an aftertaste that I dislike. :2
When outside I spit all the time while im smoking. I also spit while im driving. I dont spit while im indoors and I try not to when Im around alot of people. Funny u ask the question tho:tu

PS. My crew hates it but oh-well:D I feel like spitting now:dr:bn

We tried an intervention, but it didnt work :hn
I learned from my grandfather at a young age that the only time you ever spit is at the dentists office. I was walking down the street one morning with him when I was ten or eleven. I spit on the sidewalk next to me...followed shortly there after by a quick smack to the back of the head and a very stern lecture about how wrong that is. I listened to him, and since then, the only time I ever really spit is at the dentists...

As far as smoking is I do not spit...I just swallow it and live with the bitter or pleasant taste...
I unfortuneately must have an empty coke can to spit in when I smoke. Atleast no one can see it that way. I do find however I spit less if I'm drinking something while smoking. :tu
I do spit once in awhile. I tend to do it more when I am alone or have nothing to drink. Usually when I am with others I have a drink in hand and don't do it as much.
I am sure glad that someone else asked this question. I have wanted bring it up but was afraid to get the :r :mn . I know it is really not like that for the most part around here. So I have found that with some Cigars Full Body I want to spit. I don't like it. Even the other day I was just on a pre draw when I needed to spit :dr odd. If I drink something I don't spit. So while in doors or around others I will be drinking something. Just my :2
