Hurricane Dean

Here is some good info I found on this subject.

Hope it goes without saying, DON'T use that link on the attached article that takes you to hotels in Cuba, if you are in the US.

Here is another good one.

Seems years ago, hurricanes affected the tobacco crop very badly.
In recent times, it seems when they hit, the crop has already been pulled and is curing.
The seeds for the next harvest are the ones affected.
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I saw it was supposed to miss the DR and the tobacco growing region of Cuba unless it turns East.

Living in Florida for 16 years has taught me the path will change a half dozen times.

Wherever it goes, it's gonna be a monster and more than likely cause major problems for Jamaica in the near future. There are NOT many structures on that island built to withstand cat 4 winds and my thoughts and prayers are with them although I think they are in big trouble.
I saw it was supposed to miss the DR and the tobacco growing region of Cuba unless it turns East.

Living in Florida for 16 years has taught me the path will change a half dozen times.

Wherever it goes, it's gonna be a monster and more than likely cause major problems for Jamaica in the near future. There are NOT many structures on that island built to withstand cat 4 winds and my thoughts and prayers are with them although I think they are in big trouble.


Wilma taught me a very serious lesson.
It hit me as a 3 and the damage and experience of that storm will last with me forever.
Hate to be in the middle of a 4 or 5.
Not nice and God be with them.
Yeah, Wilma sucker punched you guys on her way out.

I remember driving through Homestead on my way to Key West after Andrew and thought I was entering a war zone that had a nuclear bomb dropped.

Closer to home, I never gave too much concern to direct hits living in Orlando, which is an evacuation zone due to the amount of hotels and central location.

My work sent me home when Charlie was approaching 2 years ago. I made it home as the first bands were arriving and told my 8 month pregnant wife to get away from the windows. Seeing the sliding glass doors flexing then witnessing the damage of 120 mph winds made me never take hrricanes lightly again and has actually had me considering heading for the hills of North Carolina to live.

I'll never forget the fear in her eyes and wondering what I would do if she went onto labor during that storm.

I disowned a good friend named Charlie after that experience and am only recently considering accepting his calls.
Yeah, Wilma sucker punched you guys on her way out.

I remember driving through Homestead on my way to Key West after Andrew and thought I was entering a war zone that had a nuclear bomb dropped.

Closer to home, I never gave too much concern to direct hits living in Orlando, which is an evacuation zone due to the amount of hotels and central location.

My work sent me home when Charlie was approaching 2 years ago. I made it home as the first bands were arriving and told my 8 month pregnant wife to get away from the windows. Seeing the sliding glass doors flexing then witnessing the damage of 120 mph winds made me never take hrricanes lightly again and has actually had me considering heading for the hills of North Carolina to live.

And that year of 2004, you guys got nailed three times with Charley, Frances and Jeanne all crossing the state right over your heads.
Who would have thought that would happen in Orlando?
Yep, and it wasn't too long after Jerry Falwell went on air saying meteors and other natural disaster were gonna rain on Orlando due to Disney promoting Gay Days every September.

I rememeber people just leaving their windows boarded up after each hurricane because you knew another was on the way.

I lived in a west facing concrete block townhouse and came through undamaged but saw the inside of my neighbors houses when they lost sides of their upstairs.

I now live in a larger house with nothing but hope to save my ass.

I gotta dig out some of those pics and post them here.

Good thread carlos!!
Hugo rider here. It took 10-12 years before our National Forest didn't look like a war zone. Also, I spent my honeymoon in Jamaica. Seems those folks don't build elaborate structures knowing their yearly "what if" plight. Jeez, I hope they're all ready with the required supplies and safe zones. In one day these bastards can ruin many years of hard work.
Up to 150 mph sustained and hasn't even hit the warm Gulf waters yet. By 1pm tomorrow, I hope every little things gonna be alright.
My Mother lives in Placencia, Belize. She has been a little worried about Dean, for the last couple days....Hopfully it steers clear of Belize. Makes me worry a Little seeing as I'm all the way up in Canada right now.
Katrina survivor here and a Coast Guard retiree. We live in Slidell, 30 miles east of New Orleans where the eye of the storm actually passed over and did the most damage - not the Army Corps of Engineers floods. Definitely have to watch these storms because you can never tell when its going to make a sharp turn and speed up.
If there is still a chance on Monday that Dean will come up towards Houston, then work will be letting us all go at noon. I live right on Clear Lake (off of Glaveston Bay) so a direct hit by a category 3 or above would result in my 1st floor apt being completly submerged. We'll be leaving ASAP on monday/tuesday... don't want our first hurricane to be our last!
Katrina survivor here and a Coast Guard retiree. We live in Slidell, 30 miles east of New Orleans where the eye of the storm actually passed over and did the most damage - not the Army Corps of Engineers floods. Definitely have to watch these storms because you can never tell when its going to make a sharp turn and speed up.

stinkin hurricanes......:tg
This is a cool site.
Shows you all the models used to forecast hurricanes that the national hurricane center then combines into one to show that cone of probability.

Just click on "submit", the click on "fwd" to get the model in motion.
Everyone thanks for your responses. I haven't checked out all the links yet, but it looks for good reading later tonight or tomorrow. I hope all are having a great weekend.
