Hygrometer calibration


Young Ape
Ok here's my noob question of the week. I bought a new hygrometer yesterday and attempted to calibrate it overnight. I had read a post that said that you should put the hygrometer in a ziplock bag with a capfull of wet salt. For some reason I chose to use tupperware instead of a baggie. Did that mess up my calibration? I ask because the hygrometer only read 68% (it should have been 75% right?). If the test was accurate, I should adjust the reading 7% (that just seems like a lot). I guess I'm wondering whether I should repeat the test with a ziplock bag.
I also use a tupperware with a good seal. Try redoing the test again, making sure that the seal is good and that the salt is only damp NOT soak. I made the mistake of adding to much water the first time I done the test and my numbers were similar to yours.

Good luck and Welcome to CS.
