I am looking for a Don Salvatore Havana Draw Enhancer


je snork donc je suis
Does anyone know where I can get one for a good price? I've looked at a few online shops and can't seem to find the one I want (I like the one with the round wooden end...not the pen style)

Thanks in Advance.
Does anyone know where I can get one for a good price? I've looked at a few online shops and can't seem to find the one I want (I like the one with the round wooden end...not the pen style)

Thanks in Advance.

Bought one on Ebay last week for $13.00.
Works great. :tu
Bobb...wait until next month or so...they have a new version of the Draw enhancer coming out...it is the same exact principle except, except, they solved the issue pertaining to it not having a carrying case...they now are going to be available in "pen" form. It looks exactly like a pen...