I just Plain Love Cigars !


Bull Goose Gorilla
I have not really posted in a couple of weeks because I was on vacation so I was sitting here taking a break and trying to think of something clever to say. I was trying to recall the different cigars I smoked while away in order to post a review. My mind was just not working. So bottom line is this: I LOVE CIGARS!

I love big cigars and small cigars, old cigars and young cigars. I love Cuban cigars and Dominican cigars and Honduran cigars and Dutch cigars and cigars of all nationalities. I love Maduro cigars and Candela cigars and everything in between. I love a Davidoff #1 from 85 and I love Philly Blunts. I love great cigars and good cigars and I even love bad cigars (they are better then no cigars).

So, although I cannot think of any good review in particular, I can say that: I LOVE CIGARS!!
Sounds like the Tom Cruise bartending toast from the movie Cocktail only with cigars. Very Nice!!! :tpd:
Nicely said.

I agree with you 100%....okay, 90% - I haven't had a candela yet. For some reason I haven't been able to make myself buy a green cigar.:D
I am with you !

I love cigars and everything that goes with them. I love them all. :w
Yes. Cigars can be soooooooo good. I too am prepared to smoke one at a moments notice. Now. Just from the power of suggestion.

(There should be a web site about them - y'know, just to say what's good and bad. :w )
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