im back


Alpha Silverback
So to make a long story short my summer has been insanely hectic.

Moved out of my parents with some high school buddies then back in with my parents, laid off from a job to find a new one (both were/are full time) to going out of state to visit family and a job offer (which i will be taking up in LA) to roaming the state of michigan to catch up with some friends from high school.

To be honest, i've sadly only smoked maybe 4 cigars this summer but handed out quite a few to some friends. I smoked my last 88 a few nights ago with a good friend and it was one of the best smokes i've had with maybe 8 months of age on it.

now that i know what im doing over the next 1 1/2 (which is what i was trying to figure out this whole summer), things are starting to settle down for me and i'll be back on here quite a bit more.

Those of you in the LA area let me know since i'll be moving out there in a 1 1/2ish!

P.S. the vino has held strong the whole summer, i owe you all the quality and good conditions my cigars currently sit in and not to mention the good times that have come from smoking cigars that have been kept in there and so much more. :D
shut up conch, you already vino'd me... i think thats more then enough butt kicking for the rest of my life. Thanks guys, it's good to be back. i missed this place.