La Tradicion Cabinet Series Perdomo "F"


Ted Peffer fan club
Name:La Tradicion Cabinet Series Perdomo "F"
Batch No.: n/a
MSRP: ~5.00
Size: F (4.7x56)
Aged in my humidor: about a month + unknown
Drink Choice: Great Lakes Dortmunder
Occasion: Bar with my brother
Time of smoke & Weather Conditions: 9pm
Cut Choice Double bladed cutter by two brothers cigars
Pre-Light thoughts: This cigar was bombed on my ass from 68trishield, I know it's gunna be tasty
The Light:Used a butane torch lighter, and fired her right up. Pleasant smell and nice amount of smoke.
The Draw:Once again a great problems
First third: Well I smoked a lot (for me) of Cubans this weekend at shack herf 06, and it was no Cuban, but in certain ways it reminded me of one. It had a nice smell, and the taste was nice and toasty.
Second third: No need to relight this stick, it held a decent ash and burned like a champ. the flavor was consistent with toastyness..very good cigar.
Final third: I smoked this one down nicely. It left a great taste in my mouth (licking my chops right now)...Consistant as hell this smoke was..Very high on my list.
Final note: Try this cigar in this size...(the cellophane was white)...Really a great cigar.

As always, Thanks for reading my review I hope you enjoyed it.