Lighter setting ...


Lowland Gorilla
Am I the only one who basically finds the flame adjustment on most lighters useless. Mine is always set to full burn!

Am I alone? Is there a butane wasters support group?
I have most of mine set at full, but on one of my triple flames I have removed the governor because not enough butane would flow to make it wind proof, so this one is set at higher than factory full. But on my Blazer PB-207 and my Z-plus they are set at half strength because that is all they need.
My PB-207 actually looks like it's on full blast at the lowest setting. Wish there was a way to bring it down just a bit.

All my other lighters are set to high.
I just wish I could get my triple torch to work. I used it on three or four sticks and then it crapped out. I thought that maybe the factory put only a miniscule amount of butane in it so I filled it. Perhaps I over-filled it because now it won't light. Maybe I should have bought the expensive one rather than the half price at $6.95.
I just wish I could get my triple torch to work. I used it on three or four sticks and then it crapped out. I thought that maybe the factory put only a miniscule amount of butane in it so I filled it. Perhaps I over-filled it because now it won't light. Maybe I should have bought the expensive one rather than the half price at $6.95.

Welcome to CS. Try purging your lighter with a small pin by pushing down on the intake valve until all gas is gone. Then fill it only with good butane like Vector or Lava. See if that works.