Little Cigars story

Yeah, that is really dumb. One thing that makes a cigar a cigar is that it is wrapped in a tobacco leaf and not paper.

Geez, when will the madness stop....

Remember the movie that Sylvester Stallon played in, can't remember the title, where he was a cop that they froze a long time back for doing something bad and this really bad guy broke out of prison and they brought Stallon back to try and capture him. Stallon couldn't belive how much things had changed while he was frozen. In the new world no one was allowed to smoke, you couldn't get a hot dog because they made everyboud eat health food and no one could have physical sex because it was nasty, the only sex that was allowed was mental sex.

It looks like our future just might be the one that Stallon returned to if something isn't done to stop all of this BULLS(*^T.

Demolition Man (1993) with Wesley Snipes. Yeah I agree, we might be heading down that road to a sexless, cigarless, good food and drink-less soceity! :hn
The article makes reference to them being cheaper than cigarettes...I'd like to know where? I've never seen young people smoking anything but cigarettes.:2
guinsdan said:
Just read this...stinks of tax dollars.

Next headline:

Pipe tobacco is crack
Absolutely correct

"The new rules are intended to level the playing field so that cigarette-like products are taxed as cigarettes," the attorneys general wrote in their petition to the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

The next step is to say "Oh, cigars are like cigarettes, just bigger."
i know exactly what product they are talking about, in reference to the new laws in california etc.

its called a Prime Time Little Cigar



under the new laws, they are too light (products are judged by weight) to be cigars, so they are taxed as cigarettes.

i dont think we who smoke real cigars have anything to worry about :).
Kennmon said:
i know exactly what product they are talking about, in reference to the new laws in california etc.

its called a Prime Time Little Cigar

Woah, those things look a little too close to cigarettes. I doubt anyone would call those a cigar. These things are A-o.k. for taxing as far as I'm concerned, as long as it doesn't start a slippery slope towards real cigars.