Looking for "Poker"


Four Aces

Howdy y'all.

Maw name is "Four Aces" and I'm a looking fer a fella' named "Poker".

If you see him, tell 'im a looking fer 'im. He'll know where to find me.

Agin' the name is "Four Aces".

Thanks for the reply here and the reply to the PM. I guess you know who sent me here now. :D :D

Anyhow, just wanted to make your acquaintance. I haven't been to the Normandie yet, but I have talked to the owner there via phone. I like the "family" ownership aspect. As I recall they are the oldest one in that area known as "Gardena". Poker capital of the world!!

Anyhow, I usually cyber-hang over at you know where with our mutual cyber-buddy. I'm new there and they have given me a wonderful reception. If you get a chance, you can see my profile over there. I also visit the 2+2 poker site.

BTW, I'm from out there originally, born and raised in dowtown L.A., left in my mid-teens. Now I'm in Texas. How did I do with my fake accent? :)

Last binge out there was at Commerce and Golden West [Bakersfield] in September, then New Orleans in October, and Bellagio in November. How 'bout The Bike? Might need to carry a sidearm next time I'm over there. Yikes!!

Looking for more BOTL that play casino poker.

This looks like a very friendly board. Greetings to all you other BOTL!!

Best regards,

Four Aces

P.S. You raise, I check, and when it comes back around, I check-raise!! So watch my traps! :D :D :D:)
LOL! Glad you made it here. We'll have to get into a game soon whether here or in Vegas & smoke a few gars.

Poker is the ultimate game of deception.
Thanks Poker and SlvrBck.

Is SlvrBck short for "Silver Buck" or "Silver Buick"? :)

You are both engineers I see. More common ground. :)


filly said:
Welcome to the jungle!

Thanks for the greeting drc and filly.

Filly, another Angelino I see. :) I’m originally from out there, grew up there till my mid-teens. Close to Washington & Figueroa intersection. I went to John Adams Jr. High School down on 30th & Hope, then a host of other schools [I was always getting kicked out of school]. Landmarks close by the old neighborhood would be like the Olympic boxing arena, St. Vincent’s church [a historic landmark now I think], etc.

I do get out there on business trips as stopovers either on my way to SE Asia or up to Bakersfield, and I usually visit the Gardena area poker rooms on the way to/from for a couple of days. So one of my cyber buddies referred me here to “poker”. I’ve just about lost track of everything from back in those early L.A. days of mine. I used to hang out with some older guys from a street gang called Clanton 14th Street. Is that gang even still around? I was like the baby of the group. This was in the 60’s and most of them were shipping off to Vietnam as draftees. We moved to the East Coast, and I lost track of ‘em. I did go back to the old neighborhood on a visit, but everyone was gone, and the place looks more war-zone like than what it did when I lived there. I’ve been amazed at all the Spanish speaking also. We used to hide it when I was kid, and used to make fun of each other if we couldn’t pronounce English words correctly. The favorite one was when guys would say “sheet” when they meant to say “sh*t”. Oh well, things change.

Anyways, the military straightened my butt out. Plus I learned neat things in the Army like poker, herf’n, chasing women, etc. I may post a profile later.

Any other poker players, feel free to PM.

Best regards,

Okay, I posted a www link that has a profile on myself. There is a young pic of me there.

If you go to this link, you will find a yahoo photo link there that shows more current pics, i.e., the old me.

Just click on the www below.

Thanks folks for the welcome.

Ahhhh, now I know who to aviod at the table when I see em! LOL!

LA hasnt changed much since the 60-70s except that it got worse in many respects.
Grew up not all that far away from you (Crenshaw & Rosecrans), and have seen many of the bad areas get worse, but many the better areas have not changed much as many of the original property owners or family are still there.

First card casino I ever played at was the Gardena Club back in '81 but moved to greener pastures and bigger pots at the the old El Dorado Club as time went on. Soon one by one, the casinos closed. The Rainbow folded, a Kaiser medical is now where the Gardena Club used to be, the Horseshoe is now a strip mall, and the old El Dorado has been replaced with Larry Flints Hustler Casino.

The Normandie is now my favorite haunt when I do play. Work has been busy and leaves little time to play unless I take some vacation time, in which case I usually flip over to Vegas and hit the crap tables (man I love that game almost as much as poker LOL).
I think you need a new screename then. From now on "poker" will be known as "craps".

:r :r :r :r :r
poker said:
...Grew up not all that far away from you (Crenshaw & Rosecrans)...

...The Normandie is now my favorite haunt when I do play...

...crap tables (man I love that game almost as much as poker LOL)...

I only knew the Crenshaw area from Washington on up to Wilshire, I guess Rosecrans was further down the road, though I get Rosecrans and Rosemead mixed up.

The Normandie looks like the only survivor from the old days. I wonder how they did it.

Craps...not me. My "gambling" isn't worth a crap :), which is why I stick only to poker: 7c-stud, and holdem, though I started with 5c-draw back in the Army. No omaha variants for me.

The smoking thing out there in CA took me by surprise. I was in Bakersfield and laid a humidipak on the bar, and the bartender told me to go outside before I lit up. I thought the law was only for restaurants, and only in L.A. So I went outside to smoke, then the cigarette smokers ran my ass off! :mad: They were women too, and there I was thinking I might get lucky with them. What a disappointment! :mad:

So where do you herf at out there within a reasonable radius of the card rooms? :confused: Is it always outside?


Matt R said:
I think you need a new screename then. From now on "poker" will be known as "craps".

:r :r :r :r :r


Shall we "out" our mutual friend, and reveal his identity?

BTW, the LOL Herf looks like a great time. I checked out the album at the site. If I can't make it out there, I will definitely make a donation, and you two can count on at least that. Nice to see some of the BOTL are into charity events. :)

