Merry Christmas


Young Chimp
I just wanted to wish everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope Santa has left you all something very special underneath the Christmas Tree. I see the Reindeer are just leaving mine, so I know THEY left me something very SPECIAL. :r

Seriously, I hope you all have a very happy holiday how ever you celebrate it. I also want to thank my Secret Santa for the box sitting here... I cannot wait to open it... AHH STRAWBERRY CIGARS.. what could be better :p

Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas to you, Mikey. Just be sure you don't step in whatever it is those reindeer left for you. :r
Merry Christmas Mikey! Enjoy those strawberry cigars. If you were closer I'd offer you a Dutch Masters...perhaps later.
Marry Christmas to everyone. Starting off the day with a cup o Java and a Quai d'Orsay Gran Corona.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone smokes something good today. I just finished off some fresh roast Bolivian and an RyJ born before I was. Now I just have to decide what to :al and :w after dinner.
Merry Christmas everyone! We've been drinking coffee all day. It's blended with some Gaut. beans roasted by Rene, Cuban & Hawaiian peaberry .....mmmmmmmmm

We had the family over for dinner and sitting back and relaxing now with a Monte 4.

Thanks Rene', this is excellent coffee bro!
Just finished with Honey baked ham dinner I fixed and now fixin to smoke a Cohiba lancero from the early 80's! woohoo!
I had a most excellent Christmas and I hope you all did too!
Merry Christmas everyone and hope nobody got Swisher Sweets as a stocking stuffer.......................

Jerry in Minnesota.
Merry Christmas All, it rained all day and night here in Sunny California:confused: ...and they say it never rains:c . Well, my wife didn't complain about me smoking inside, i guess she thought the dogs smelled bad enough;) , get it?, wet dogs?...nevermind:rolleyes: . I had my Padron 1964 Maduro "A" after our Prime Rib and Lobster...tonight it 's back to Spam:pu .
Merry Christmas!

I have my kids home for the holidays and my "extended" family continues to be well in Iraq. In thanks tonight, I think I will partake in a Partagas Lusitania and a tall, 15 year old Glenronach!
