Montecristo Churchill


Montecristo Churchill
7 x 54

Smoked this last week but have been too busy to write a review until now. I was gifted this by FN in MT and was saving it up for when I had time and a good reason to smoke it. Well, we had gotten in the first horses for the farm and I figured that'd be a damn fine reason to sit back with a good stogie and enjoy the night. Note, don't smoke a churchill without a full stomach and plenty of time to kill. This took up over 2 hours, and while it was mild bodied, it was a large smoke that gave me a buzz. Onwards.

The wrapper is soft, silky, veinless, and what could be considered flawless. Montecristos have always been well constructed, and this was no exception. It was firmly packed, but didn't have a tight draw when I smoked it. Very well done. Prelight scent brought a sweet floral scent.

First third brought a mild bodied toasty cedary and nutty flavor. There was some spice in the finish, but predominantly cedary. Further along the pepper gains strength, but the dominant flavors are cedar and nuts.

The ash lasts for an inch about before dropping. It's pretty firm, and a lighter shade of grey.

The second third is a lot like the first. The nutty flavor subsides and becomes mainly cedary with a pleasant peppery finish. The cedar flavor is fairly strong, and is contrasted by the pepper. While mild bodied, the flavor is pretty strong.

The final third is just like the first two. The cedar goes strong, and the pepper builds. In the last inch the pepper mixes with the cedar and is strong in the finish. It's very nice, and made for a good two hour (and more) smoke.

It's a very consistent cigar, not really changing flavors all too much or giving a very complex flavor profile. But it made for a relaxing cigar that's well rolled and from a top notch maker. It did just what I wanted it to, which was be something easy to kick back and enjoy the night with.
Ohh, you can take that band off, so whatever with it, and smoke that baby further! Especially on the larger RG cigars! And especially on a Monte!!
nice pics.

i've had a Montecristo White and found it to be very bland compared to other cigars. i currently have a Montecristo classic in my humi so im hoping it is more flavorful than the MC White.:2
nice pics.

i've had a Montecristo White and found it to be very bland compared to other cigars. i currently have a Montecristo classic in my humi so im hoping it is more flavorful than the MC White.:2

It is. I had the same reaction. The white didn't do it for me, but the classic was spot-on.
I've had a white that someone gifted to me and had the same reaction. It didn't have as much boldness as the classic line. I'm sure you won't be disappointed in the classic you've got saved.