mouth cancer

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:r I almost died from choking on my beer when it spewed out of my nose when I read this!!!!!!!!!!!!:tpd:

1) I have worked as a cop in a major metropolitan city (5th largest in the country) for 22 years.
2) I am currently assigned a motorcycle and ride it to work every day.
3) I've had three good cycle wrecks and countless 4 wheel wrecks while pursuing and simply driving in this crazy city!!
4) While on duty I've been stabbed, shot at, kicked punched, spit on and bit, not to mention the infectious diseases I've been exposed to.
5) I've been sky diving.
6) I own and fly a plane on a regular basis.
7) I race a cobra regularly all over the west coast.
8) I smoke cigars on occasion every other day normally.

Which one on this list appears to be the most hazardous???

I don't live my life scared. I go for it every day. Man, life's too short to live in fear of your environment. Otherwise you'll wind up like Howard Hughes in the later years, living like a hermit, not cutting your fingernails, avoiding any human contact and paranoid about even catching a cold.

In the word of hunter S. Thompson,

"I hate to advocate drugs (I sub cigars here), alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.":ss

yeah riding a bike in Phoenix is kinda scary.
I don't really worry about it, everybody has to die to something. I've seen guys that work out every single day, eat healthy and take care of themselves die of heart attacks without warning. Life is short, why spending it worrying about crap? Just enjoy yourself.
Thinking of cancer gets me so agitated, that the only thing
which calms me down is relaxing with a stogie.:ss
Go figure.
It is pretty biased on the issue so you still have to take it with a grain of salt, but it to me it is refreshing to read in a world where you are bombarded with anti tobacco ads and what not that are 180* on the other side of the bias spectrum.
Ago friend of mine recently was diagnosed with cancer. Hearing someone I care about say those words put the frights in me, so to calm down I went out and smoked a cigar. I know it sounds strange but that is exactly what happened.

I don't worry a lot about dying. As far as I know if you put 100 people in a room, it doesn't matter who they are, where they came from or what habits they have and don't have; all 100 of them are going to die at some point. Introduce me to the 1 guy that doesn't and I'll gladly start coping his lifestyle. Until then, you got a light?
I don't know if any of you have read this before, but it is a very interesting read: Smoke, Lies, and the Nanny State
Interesting. I have been a fan of Joe Jackson for many years. On his album Steppin' Out there is a song called Cancer. Among the lyrics is a passage that says, "Everything gives you cancer, everything, there's no answer". It seems fitting that the man who sung these lyrics would write this essay.

George Burns smoked cigars. He lived to be 100. My grandfather smoked a pipe. Ditto. Neither died of lung cancer.
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After spending several years working in local gov't, seeing air quality and water quality reports, all of us except those in extremely remote locations in the US (which are far and few between) are subjected daily to cancer causing agents in the air we breathe and the water we drink and worse bathe in. I have lung disorders due to living in urban decay for most of my life.......and I smoke cigars daily. All physicians are aware of my smoking and do not have problems with it. They would prefer not smoking, but a cigar or two most days is ok in their book. Hell, I smoke with my dentist and he is an animal!!!! Life is too short to not enjoy it............
Great subject.
Cancer? Can't think about it or won't smoke.

On the other subject on this thread, at the risk of being called an elitist prick, let me point out my investigative skills which I apply daily to my job.

5/25 OP states just ordered new humidor with digital hygrometer
5/26 OP states humidor arrived with no hygro
5/27 OP states my first ever humidor arrives tomorrow
5/29 OP receives first ever humidor with an analog hygro and needs help calibrating.

Anyone else see anything odd with this?
I sure do.
Perhaps there is a very good answer.
OP was on after 6 est today but has not posted on this thread.
Things that make you go hmmmmm.

If I am wrong, my apologies in advance.

Well Carlos you said it, not me. :ss

Great research work though, very impressed!

MODS, can we have a Downer Section where these posts can go? :)
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