My depraved afternoon


the better half and my 3 wonderful sons left daddy alone this weekend.Thank the lord for trips to grandma's crib...
So between bouts of inernet porn and doing things to myself that would make a tijuana prostitute blush,I found time to smoke some cigars.
While preparing lunch(NY strip),I smoked a montecristo gifted me by Justinphilly and drank about 4 glasses of a good red wine.The monte was just what the doc ordered.Enjoyed my meal,getting ready to partake in some of xmodius's generous gifts.probably the huge diamond crown he sent.
Altogether, a fine afternoon.Looking forward to passing out while watching the "good bad and the ugly" on dvd.Cheers! :al :al :al
bc3po said:
the better half and my 3 wonderful sons left daddy alone this weekend.Thank the lord for trips to grandma's crib...
So between bouts of inernet porn and doing things to myself that would make a tijuana prostitute blush,I found time to smoke some cigars.
While preparing lunch(NY strip),I smoked a montecristo gifted me by Justinphilly and drank about 4 glasses of a good red wine.The monte was just what the doc ordered.Enjoyed my meal,getting ready to partake in some of xmodius's generous gifts.probably the huge diamond crown he sent.
Altogether, a fine afternoon.Looking forward to passing out while watching the "good bad and the ugly" on dvd.Cheers! :al :al :al
Life is good !
bc3po said:
So between bouts of inernet porn and doing things to myself that would make a tijuana prostitute blush,I found time to smoke some cigars.

hahaha, heres to porn with the volume up! :al cheers mate! :D