My Father and The Call Last Night


I received a phone call last night, after I went to sleep, from my sister in Texas. (I hate those late night phone calls! They're never good!) My Dad has been very sick for the last year and no resuscitation measures are to be done. Apparently He has had a stroke. His breathing is labored and He is not talking. I just ask your prayers that my father would not have any pain and that he go in peace to be with his Heavenly Father. Thanks for all your support.

I received a phone call last night, after I went to sleep, from my sister in Texas. (I hate those late night phone calls! They're never good!) My Dad has been very sick for the last year and no resuscitation measures are to be done. Apparently He has had a stroke. His breathing is labored and He is not talking. I just ask your prayers that my father would not have any pain and that he go in peace to be with his Heavenly Father. Thanks for all your support.


Thoughts and Prayers for your Father.
Greg, I am so sorry to hear about your father. I will pray for your father, and for you and your family in these tuff times.
Thanks, all, for your prayers & support. You don't know how comforting it is to have all my CS brothers & sisters behind me. I'll let you know any updates. Thanks again.

sorry to hear about your Dad..........prayers sent to you & your family in your time of need

if you need to talk, you know where to find us
Dear Lord God, heavenly Father, physician of both body and soul, we come to you in behalf of Greg's father - that if it is your will, you grant him healing and recovery. Be with the family Lord, grant them a special measure of Your Spirit's presence, give them patience and strength. Keep them ever mindful that Christ said, "In the world you will have tribulations. Take heart, I have overcome the world." (Jn 16:33) Be with them all, grant them comfort and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Greg, you and your family will be in our prayers. Nice to have the comfort of knowing where he's going isn't it. :tu God Bless Brother.