My girlfriend kicks arse


So, I get a call form my girlfriend who is in Tampa for a few days, she tells me she went to some city...something like...hold on..."hey, what was that city we went to? E something?" "Yeah thats it, Y'bor City"

Me: "Cool, I just smoked a Flor de Y'bor City the other day, it was pretty good."

Her: "Well good I am glad you liked them, cause I got you a few."

WOOOOHOOOOO, free cigars!!! Life is grand :D :w
Franksmith said:
Buying him cigars and her title is girlfriend

What is wrong with this picture?? ;)

He's smart enough to know that soon after the wedding bells ring, no more cigars, "girlfriend"!! ;)
icehog3 said:
Free? Nothing is me....but enjoy! :w

Tom your a garsh darn Prophet, everything has a price. It might not be monetary,but never the less expensive. :r
I'm lucky my wife and my girlfriend are the same person, when she goes to town she will stop by the local humidor and pick me up a new cigar to try. Now that I think about it, she seems to get clothes with each cigar purchase. This hobby may be more expensive than I realize.
Tom and Frank are onto something.

Still, she definitely has potential. But one way or'll pay.
homeless_texan said:
I'm lucky my wife and my girlfriend are the same person, when she goes to town she will stop by the local humidor and pick me up a new cigar to try. Now that I think about it, she seems to get clothes with each cigar purchase. This hobby may be more expensive than I realize.

I'm glad im not the only one with this "problem"....
You're lucky...your GF is buying you my GF has got me buying them for her...and when I told her she couldn't put her flavored stuff (Java's, Kahlua's, Moontrance's) in my humidor for fear of contaminating my smokes, she told me to just get her a humidor of her own...I think I created a monster when I first stuck a Java in her dainty fingers...