My Latest haul....yummmmmm


Clubstogies Aristocrat

Look at all these beauties...hehehehehehe:al:cb
Is that an Ashton ESG? I've heard about those... tell us how it is when you smoke it!

Wow Joey. If I spend as much as you do on cigars per month my wife will :gn me.

Great haul. :tu
And all purchased at Bed Bath & Beyond!!! That's the most incredible part, IMO

:r :r

Never saw the humi there on all of those wasted Saturday shopping sprees with the wife. Would definitely change my mind about that place... :ss
Those look very nice. I got my first Indian Tabac Maduro from SteveDMatt in a trade, gonna let that bad boy rest a bit, looking forward to trying it. Heard good things!
