my little project


Professional Slacker
So the wife says no smoking in the house. Last year I do a winter in the garage with a kero heater. This year my neighbor, ( who's looking to escape from his house ) gives me the idea to build a little bar/smoking lounge in my back yard. We start with an existing canopy that was used for storing wood when I burned wood in my stove. We enclosed the walls, ran power, phone, cable, satellite radio wires. Installed a ceiling fan, insulated etc. There still is a lot of work to do ie: install baseboard heat, shingle the roof painting, trim work, etc, but the basics are there. You get the idea. So come spring I hope to host some herfing at my new smoking lounge. Heres some pics....keep in mind its not finished....
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I am loving the pics so far, looks like its going to be a good spot........

Where is the bathroom going to be??? I think a man room with this level of manlyness deserves a urinal
The man shack!! Awesome! Hopefully my garage will become my little get away from it all this coming year. Looks great so far!! Keep us updated!
very nice sir....but i agree a bigger tv and a kick ass sound system and a urinal are all manditory
The man shack!! Awesome! Hopefully my garage will become my little get away from it all this coming year. Looks great so far!! Keep us updated!

Man what my father in law calls it too....Its pretty funny how many people just want to come over and just hang out in this thing. When I tell people that I'm building a bar in my back yard they dont know what to expect.
very nice sir....but i agree a bigger tv and a kick ass sound system and a urinal are all manditory

If you look at the first pic you can see the urinal right out front. It's the big brown thing between the door and window.:r
Nice project and nice job on the inside! Very incognito.
That's a great looking "Cigar Lounge", Steve. Best of luck with the project!

We call my smoking room "Little Habana".
As I'm reading posts about the size of the tv, a funny thought just came to me. So far, my wife has had a say in two parts of this project. The bar stools and the tv. The stools she custom ordered to the tune of $1200 bucks and the tv was a not so custom Walmart $78 special that she picked up.
If I had done it I could have spent $100 tops on the stools ... and that would have left me $1100 and change on the tv. Go figure.
As I'm reading posts about the size of the tv, a funny thought just came to me. So far, my wife has had a say in two parts of this project. The bar stools and the tv. The stools she custom ordered to the tune of $1200 bucks and the tv was a not so custom Walmart $78 special that she picked up.
If I had done it I could have spent $100 tops on the stools ... and that would have left me $1100 and change on the tv. Go figure.

But hey, given that she's kosher with the whole idea of the man shack, and that she went one step further and helped you make it nice, I'd still mark those stools in the win column. :D
...and a urinal are all manditory

Wait, wait, wait...stevieray, please tell us you have a brain and instead just put in a drain in the middle of the floor, and plan to just hose the whole floor down nightly! :D
So come spring I hope to host some herfing at my new smoking lounge. Heres some pics....keep in mind its not finished....

Spring???? get a portable heater in there and do some winter herfing while finishing up..

Jerry in Minnesota.
Nice Man Shack! The portable heater in the meantime sounds like a good idea. A nice collection of single malts/drinks would also serve well to add to the Man Shack. :)