My smoking jacket


For awhile around the holidays, there was a link flying around for a store called Jay Pratts Mens Clothiers...they sold the type of smoking jackets pictured above...

The store is not legit...a quick google search will show many customers got ripped off...

Just didn't want any fellow BOTLs being taken advantage of if they go searching for a smoking jacket and find an old link...

I've got an old "Split" brand jacket that my in laws bought for me a few years ago that gets used as my smoking jacket... works well.
I am lucky, during the winter months I am usually able to talk my fiance into letting me smoke inside with a fan in the window. If do have to go outside, I do grab my Crahartt.
i bought me a sports coat from goodwill for $7, its my "smoking jacket." i'm working on making it smell of cigars, but nothing yet. its something nice thats constant, and pretty comfortable as well

No kidding. For those times when your smoking and you need to keep your pimp hand strong...

wow...just wow...