New cigars for the newbie


Maturing Primate
Won my 1st take on Cigarbid, can't complain about the price, but don't know what more it could lead to...:)

Also got some Vegas Cubana Imperiales and some Habana Leon Robustos from Cigar King (split some with LSUTiger). They looked o.k. except 3 of the VC were cracked a bit...I think LSUTiger is going to post some picks and also see if they'll replace them. For $6 a stick you'd think they'd be in better shape. :mad:
Except for the Perdomo which I am not too sure of, everything in there seems to be in the medium - full strength and flavorful. If you like that type of cigar, you will definitely enjoy them.
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bonggoy said:
Except for the Perdomo which I am not too sure of, everything in there seems to be in the medium - full strength and flavorful. If you like that type of cigar, you will definitely enjoy them.

I definitely don't mind full strength, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to really say what I like yet. I've been trying to keep a log of cigars I've smoked and my impression of them at the time (and cost), but it definitely varies on my mood, what I'm drinking, eating, etc. I've enjoyed some strong habanos, but also don't mind a flavored cigar every once in a while. I am kind of cheap though so unless somebody else is buying the Balvenie Double Wood, I'll stick to the Evan Williams. ;)