New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder - NSFW - Swimsuit

In the aftermath of the pseudo scandal involving the current Miss USA’s party habits while still only 20, The Donald has announced a new line of Miss America smoking accessories.

The first is a cigar holder. Unique in it’s ability to actually follow you around a crowded room unassisted by anything other than it’s almost eerie ability to safely cradle your favorite smoke.

Limited quantities available. (Just one) It’s the gift every billionaire is considering this Christmas.


After trying the new product for the first time The Donald was overheard saying... "Another Trump exclusive brand, we are building the most exclusive brand in the world. Works like a charm except my damn cigar kept going out. Next, my line of hair care products."
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

Hard to beleive that a shot like that is to help promote a 'healthy' image for young women....

but for us sleazy old farts!! :D:D

Wonder what woudl happen if she sneezed?!
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

You know, if I never saw another pair of plastic tits, it wouldn't bother me.

I just don't understand the appeal.

Just my :2.
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

You know, if I never saw another pair of plastic tits, it wouldn't bother me.

I just don't understand the appeal.

Just my :2.

I have to agree....... You are never to old to attend a college party....... That crap is a dime a dozen..... Heck I married something I think that looks better then that and her tasizzes hold a beer can or a cigar.......


She does look cute enough for a quickie between the parties though.....
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

Oh my !!!

She is definatley invited to my next party !
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

anyone want to come to my house for Christmas? We live 30 min at most from her house
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

She's been pumped, dumped and trumped... But there's still a certain level of eye-appeal!
Re: New Miss USA Brand Cigar Holder

Soon to follow Miss Nevada


Sorry I had to edit words out of her arm, She really does not look like that.