New sticks anf falling down the slope


Thats Officer ChestBeater
As you can see I am sort of a newbie. As stated in another thread I visited a local cigar shop and was impressed of its inventory. Me being a newbie went straight for what I knew (not much) I went to the AF and the RP's as I stood there and looked at each for about a solid 5 min the owner of the store approached me and suggested a couple new smokes. I took his advise and now have added 2 more names to my humi

601 by Pepin

Jon in the early stages of falling down that damn slope!!! :ss
You need to join into the newbie PIF and sampler trades. You will get exposure to lots more sticks.

Also accept the next three credit card offers you receive in the mail, you will need them.

The final step is to have your payroll direct deposited to cigarbid.

Enjoy the ride down the slide.