Newb orders new Aristocrat!!!


Well gang, It has happened....started out with 125ct humi from Thompson along with some bad sticks, went to a large coolador, then a 1200ct cabinet humi....On the 1st of July I called Bob Staebell and ordered an aristocrat 48....Holds 60+ boxes and a draw that holds 2-300 sticks and I got the set & Forget system that does it all....$3909.00.....but I know I'll love it....I'll post some photos when it gets to me...should be here about the end of the month............:chk
Bro! You better call him back being you boght to small of one. You Need to order one about 4 times the size you think you will need. I bought one from Bob 8 years ago and so and never thought I would fill it and within the month Filled to the brim. This guy makes one beautiful piece of art. You will love it and if it is possible your wife will love it even more. I had a problem with my set and forget syste just recently and was going to order another one so I called the place that makes them from Bob and was told that to end it back and they will fix it. It cost me $35 to fix. Not to bad and the humidor looks as good as day 1. You will love it!
Congrats man, and I expect to see pics of it when it arrives. Only being about a year ahead of you the the next steps are a humi just for aging and a love affair with the dark side.
Please stop posting things like this.. I keep finding myself looking at a possible aristocrat.. ahhh!!!!
Congrats can't wait to see pics! I'm a day or two away from placing my second order from Bob.I stumbled upon club stogie sometime ago while looking for a new desk top Humi and wound up with a Aristocrat Mini Dx. Now it looks like the mini needs a Cool Big Brother. I'm leaning towards a decked out M plus but finding myself saying over and over If I spend only this much more I can get ....