Newbie's first humidor!


Young Chimp
Hey guys! I am very excited, my first humidor came in the mail today, and I didn't even get hit by customs!

It is the Florence from, but judging from what everyone is saying, and the orders I have planned for the summer, I suppose I should have bought a bigger one, haha. Maybe in a month or so. Anyways, I wanted to share my excitement with my BOTLs, so here are some pictures I took with it on top of my freezer.

Nice humidor! Some thing that size will last you 4 weeks maybe if your luckey it's a bad feeling wanting cigars but having no space for tham from a novice to green horn I learned the hard way.
Mighty fine first humidor. Bigger than my first; a twenty count that no longer see service (for cigars anyway, I think I keep my shoe polish kit in it now0 because not only did the top warp a bit, but it smells like acid cigars.
Your first and it's a cherry one is it not? - something to be said about that - should be very happy no doubt. Congrats and happy days ahead for your new humi; have fun!
Nice! and you'll wish you went bigger, I went right from a 30ct straight to a 28 bottle wine cooler and thats getting full!
Hey guys! I am very excited, my first humidor came in the mail today, and I didn't even get hit by customs!

It is the Florence from, but judging from what everyone is saying, and the orders I have planned for the summer, I suppose I should have bought a bigger one, haha. Maybe in a month or so. Anyways, I wanted to share my excitement with my BOTLs, so here are some pictures I took with it on top of my freezer.


Oh memories. Wait that was only 11 months ago when I got my first humi. Now I have a cabinet humi. My slope is vertical.