Odor removal spray - It works + funny story


Evolving Lead Gorilla
Prompted by our eternal quest for odor removal (do we stink, or what?) I thought I'd post this.

Story first, as always.

On a recent trip to Dallas/FW I stayed in microtel motel (a chain I quite like by the way). Well, usually in Motels one does not meet the most interesting people. However, this time we met a nice gentleman in his 60s in the breakfast room. He had a strange personality, a bit pushy but not disagreeable. He told us a story of his inventions and patents and how much money he had made. WTF is he not staying at the Four Seasons? He seemed more like a traveling salesman, even a bit of a tragic character. Somehow I liked him. The link below tells you about him even with a photo.

He gave us four bottles of this

Two in mulberry, one in leather and one other scent I gave to a friend who smokes cigarettes and thus needs it more than I do.:ss

You know what is crazy? The stuff really works. I found the man and the story a bit incongruent but it really works. I tried it in the bathroom, in my fumoir, in the house and in the car. I even just sprayed a frying pan in which I had prepared first bacon and then heavily spiced chicken filets. Two little psshht-psshhts and the frying pan smelled no more even though it was yet uncleaned standing on the stove.

No idea how he does it but I might buy his stuff again when I run out. This will not be very soon because you only need very little. Two or three sprays take care of a bathroom and three or four of a small herf.

What do you guys and gals think about the story? He didn't seem like the super millionaire. The clerk at the hotel said he has been coming to the hotel for 11 years or so. Why would he do that if he lives in the area, as his bio says. I could imagine that much of his story is actually true and that he might have had some hard times and got up again. You could easily make a typical American movie out of this guy. Also, Phoenix Marketing might be an allusion to the legendary bird Phoenix rising out of the ashes again after being destroyed.

who knows why he was at the hotel, maybe he likes hookers?-important thing is that this stuff works-if it'll let me get away w/smoking in the house, it might just have to come b4 my next cigar order
Thanks again tfar...for the story as well as a "new product" link to try...

I'm with wharfarthoss...No need to heat the garage and drag the TV out there come Sunday or any other day...if I can get away with a stogie or two in the house...evey now and then...:tu
You're welcome for the link. I actually read a little more on the site. There is an allusion to losing health and money, so who knows?

The stuff is cheap and in my eyes it works well. The Mulberry fragrance smells good but does make me cough a little (so does Ginger Ale and artisanal French caramels- I wonder what it is-perhaps sugar?). The leather fragrance doesn't do that to me.

It says on the bottle that it is non-toxic, non polluting and bio-degradable but that still you should not swallow it or get it in the eyes. Sounds normal to me. The scent itself doesn't linger a long time which I like.

They say on the website that it is sold in drugstores and autopart stores and lube shops. I haven't seen it anywhere on the shelves, though.

By the way, I am in no way or form involved in the business of this or any other cleaning products. Just trying to help some Botls out.

Very interesting.. I might have to check that stuff out :) Maybe I can smoke in the house with a little more ease, and less nervousness? :D
Since you are in California, opening the windows dor additional aeration is always an option. In Austin during the summer we avoid opening the windows because it is so darn hot. But I still like to aerate the house.

I would say opening the windows for an hour plus four or five sprays of that stuff will take care of the problem unless your S.O. is a a real anti-smoke militant, which I pray for you is not the case.
