Okay Dads what did you do?


no..not THAT Dave!
My Son will be 18 on Thursday and I'm not sure if I want to sit down with him for a first cigar.What did you other Dads or Moms do?
Speaking from a son's point of view, don't be too angry if it isn't his first time.

When I turned 18, I had already been dipping off and on for a few years and had been buying tobacco since I was 16.

I had smoked a few cigarettes and an occasional cigar.

Your son might be a little nervous, I was when I first dipped in front of my family, or first smoked a cigar in front of my family. Hell, I'm still a little nervous about smoking a cigar out on the golf course with my dad and I'm 23 years old and a two time combat vet!

Smoking anything in this country has become a "no-no" and you never want to disappoint your family.

Just sit him down and offer him a smoke.. don't force it on him.
One to digest so far thanks Float,I've already found some Marlboros in his truck so I'll throw that bit of info in too.
Same viewpoint as fl0at here. I had been smoking since I was 14, and when I turned 18, it just made it easier for me to get a hold of.

I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, but I never smoked them in front of the family. My mom is allergic to smoke, and I think it bothers my dad (who doesn't smoke cigars anyway). I have smoked cigars in front of them, but I don't do it too often, especially since I haven't lived with them for a while.
O.K. jimmy thanks,It's a bit quiet here right now so I guess it will be awhile before I hear from some dads.
I had been dipping for 3 years steady already when I turned 18. I never did it in front of my mother because she didnt like it. It was a respect thing. She didnt fuss too much so I respected her enough to not do it in front of her.

Now for the question. There is something cool about sharing something with your dad. Offer it to him, just make sure he smokes it right so it doesnt turn him off to cigars
well as an 18 year old... I can say I would have loved to smoke a cigar w/ my dad on my birthday....but he doesn't like 'em. I think your son would enjoy that if cigars are something he likes.
I was smoking cigars with my stepdad before i was 18.
Ya i know it was illegal but no one got hurt.
My advise is not to try to force him to smoke cigars . Just be there and let him ask questions and offer him one when ever he wants to sit and chat.
My stepdad and I are really close because of our time together smoking and talking.
And now I also got him smoking a pipe so it works both ways.
He may get you interested in something he likes and you may have never though of.

Just my .02 from some one who is 27
all great info already given, but ill add what i can. As a 23 yr old still iving at home ( trying to pay off student loans), it would of been really great to smoke w/ my dad but hes against any type of smoking. We havent had much of anything as far as shared interests, so I think it would be great to offer him something that you enjoy, just the gesture alone will be appreciated by him im sure.
I want to hear both sides Robb,I've heard some " I wishs" from sons and important too.Still waiting on more Dads...Thanks again Robb...Dave
Well Dave - I don't have any son's - but I did recently enjoy a first time evening smoke with my oldest daughter (21). So I would say a) pick out something mild with some flavor-you don't want to choke him up. b) explain the enjoyment that you get from them and that you wish to share. c) if he declines - don't be upset or too dissapointed - cigars are not for everyone.

Good luck with it -

dlevine1 said:
One to digest so far thanks Float,I've already found some Marlboros in his truck so I'll throw that bit of info in too.
Ya...I don't have any sons...but ,if it was me I would sit down and have a cigar with him.I wish my Dad was still around...I lost him when i was 16.I would give anything to sit and smoke a cigar and talk to him for an hour.:2
Life is short.
dlevine1 said:
My Son will be 18 on Thursday and I'm not sure if I want to sit down with him for a first cigar.What did you other Dads or Moms do?

This is a tough one for me, since it was my 18 year old son who introduced ME to cigars!!

Good Luck
My dad didnt smoke cigars then. I started smoking them at age 25 on and off untill I was 30 and now have been smoking them for the past 10 years steady.

As for smoking them with my son .... oh,oh ! I was blessed with two great daughters. I guess I will have to smokem all myself.