

I was on cA and read an article about Onyx cigars. Being a maduro fan I went looking for them. I only found the Onyx Reserve at one store(out of three) and they told me that they didn't think they were as good as the regular Onyx. Both other stores said they used to handle them. Has anyone smoke an Onyx? Have an opinion or rating?

Two stores close to me recently announced they are closing their walk in humidors. Said they didn't sell enough cigars and they did not want to have money wrapped up in inventory that took longer to sell. As they have ran out of top line premiums they are not replacing them. As they do this sales are dropping so they can't afford the store space. Well, duh!!! if you don't handle what people are want, sales will drop off.
I have not personally had one but J.J. has and he told me that they are not as good as they seem! They are dipped in some kind of dye to make them darker which might bleed if you get it too wet! But don't take my word for it! :)

Very mild almost flavorless. Like smoking air. They look much better then they smoke.

I am what I am.
I tried one of the old blends a couple of years ago and though it was pretty good. I haven't tried the new Onyx Reserve or whatever its called. If I see them I'll buy one and try it, if nothing else it'll add a band to my collection.


I received an Onyx maduro churchill at the Big Smoke. The cigar had a smooth, dark, almost black wrapper. A great looking cigar. The cigar was firm to the touch. The light was nornal. The draw was ok. The burn was even with a firm, mostly white ash.

The aroma was very strong and unpleasant. The taste was strong and bitter. I smoked it about one fourth of the way and quit. It took a couple of days to get the taste out of my mouth.

I tried an Onyx from the Big Smoke in 1999. I didn't like it. This one was from the Big Smoke 2000. I still don't like tham. I wouldn't smoke one if someone gave it to me. The only way I'd try another is from an LLG personal recommendation.

That's all I know..... rjs
Hhmmm...... I've smoked an Onyx 650. Started out a little harsh/bitter, but smoothed out to a VERY mild, almost sweet smoke. At times it reminded me of a Topper Breva oscuro. OK, nothing special - wouldn't turn one down, but wouldn't go out of my way to get one either. No experience with the Reserve line, although my local guy has them in.
Thanks LLG's!

rjs - do you think they would have mellowed with age?

Sounds like a take your chances smoke. Nothing special
so I will spend my money somewhere else.

I purchased some Fuentes, Punch Chateau maduro maduro,
Mayorga, Indian Tabac Reserve maduros and Cuesta Rey #60
maduros over the weekend. 4 of each to give them a try
to see which I like best. By the time I make it through
the rotation the last will have had a little time to nap.
Still sampling for the perfect smoke...(for each moment.)
What a lineup! It sounds like a great night at the bar to me.

Tell me your review of the Punch double maduro. I've never been a fan of punch but I heard great things about their double maduro cigars. I have yet to see some in any of my cigar shops but I'm keeping my eye open.

I've never really have a bad punch just nothing exciting. I find them a good suggestion for the infrequent smoker. (Like two a year friends.) Looking forward to it. Also, looking forward to my secret santa gifts. Waiting for a good time to smoke them.

Did you check out the cA website about Jesse Ventura?
I actually just read that about an hour ago. Its nice to see a public figure who'll still smoke in public.

Brother's right. I've haven't had many—two, if that—but the ones that I did smoke were not so good. Light and airy, as one fella here said, is a good description. Strong and bitter is another good description. As for the dye that makes them seem to be oscuro (blackest), it is a rumor that I have heard (I think it was on this forum, actually). I've never had the stuff color up my lips, but I've heard reports from other that this can happen. In short, I don't really recommend the regular Onyx line to anyone. I'm big on first impressions (and second) when it comes to cigars. My first and second (maybe third) impressions with these puppy poopies were not that great. —J.J.

I'd happily help you sample any of the latter smokes you listed. LOL Great selection. Regarding the Onyx, I didn't think the problem was young tobacco. Age won't make a poor cigar a good one. But my experience with the Onyx is just my own opinion. If I had another one I'd send it too you! LOL

Enjoy your new smokes.

... rjs
Bought a few Onyx 4-5 years ago when my tastes were young and would smoke almost anything. This was the first cigar I threw out without smoking at least half but the worst part was I had 2 more in my humidor. Have no experience with the Onyx Reserve but they seem to be spending alot of advertising dollars pushing it.

Thanks for the offer. That's just what I need more friends offering to help me smoke my purchases. ;) Just teasin'.
If you come to town I will find a smoke for you in the humi.
I'm running out of space(again). My 150 is filling up and
the old humi 50, has been resurrected. I should have quite
a few stablized and ready to smoke when the weather breaks.
All the roof top and sidewalk bars open up or I sit outside
and enjoy a smoke. We have some sun today(still cold) but
the last five days have been 100% humidity, fog, cold, raining.
yuck!!! We had the coldest December in 113 years and the
coldest January in 89 years. On the bright side, my wife
said she feels sorry that I can't find a good place to enjoy
a cigar. It's she great!?!!!

Left this post under a different heading, but think it applies. Thanks Irish for the suggestion of updating Onyx!


Irish, my friend - I love Onyx! I have only smoked the Toro, but what a cigar! This maduro cigar is a well constructed, smooth flavored cigar. It is economical, and worth every penny. The wrapper is beautiful and the burn is consistent. In fact, I don't know why I don't buy more Onyx cigars!

MADURO (as defined on the THE CIGAR SMOKER's FAQ site; http://www.cigargroup.com/faq/ - dark brown to very dark brown. These usually have more texture and veining than the lighter wrappers. They are often described as oily looking, with stronger taste - sweet to some palates with a unique aroma. COLORADO MADURO (as defined on the same site) - dark brown, medium strength, slightly more aromatic the maduro. Usually gives a rich flavor, as found in many of the best Honduran cigars. To make a maduro wrapper, "the leaf is left on the tobacco plant for as long as possible before being harvested. After the leaf is picked, it's allowed to air-dry in barns. The tobacco usually undergoes a process in which it's treated with heat (and sometimes pressure) to draw out the oils and 'cook' the tobacco. The oils are then allowed to retreat back into the cigar. This process can be repeated several times, each time making the leaf darker." (From The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cigars .)

Get this - the Onyx wrapper is a USA Connecticut leaf! Is that cool, or what! Obviously the wrapper had the above process done to it several times to get it that dark, dark black.

In my humble opinion, the best maduro on the market is Onyx. Beautiful cigar, oily and dark, and a very smooth smoke. To me, the most important thing in a cigar is taste, and the Onyx brand is a great tasting cigar!

Check who you got them from. Never had a problem with mine. Try ordering directly from Jr's. Best go to smoke I ever had