Opus X Power Ranger


Maturing Primate
I received this cigar from Tidefan73 as part of his newbie PIF.

This is a beautiful looking cigar. It is firm with some give and very consistent (no soft/hard spots). I love the band on this cigar, I probably spent a few minutes just inspecting the band. The prelight draw is excellent.

First Third
I didn’t like the first few puffs, there was something off about the flavor. Fortunately that did not last long enough for me to put my finger on it. This is a pretty strong and spicy cigar but never harsh or overpowering.

Second Third
The spiciness continues, and I noticed some sweetness as well. The ash is light grey in color and very firm, almost smoked half of it before the ash fell.

More spiciness mixed with a little sweet. The smoke remained cool for the rest of the smoke.

Final Thoughts
This was my first OpusX. I was gifted one by one of the guys at my local B&M as a wedding gift, I’m going to let it age a little bit before I torch that one, although I am anxious. I usually like a little more flavor in my smoke but something about the Power Ranger had me wanting more!

Thank You Tidefan73 for your generosity!!
Nice review! I've been told they need several years on them to age and get better, but I don't have the desire for that. This little bugger will slap you silly though if you're not careful!!

Thanks again for participating in the PIF!!

Definitely a different animal with some time on them. I actually smoked a 5 year old sample last night. Outstanding cigar minus that brashness/in your face power. Spice still prevalent but lacking in the power dept. I think my favorite is around the 2 year mark.