Oust Fan Question

Beer Doctor

CAO Apologist
I found an oust fan in my house and I'd like to use it in my soon to be set up coolidor. I removed the fragrance pack but the fan still had some odor. I took apart the fan and removed the motor with fan. I then soaked the two large casing units and the bottom part in hot water and soap. I washed them and the smell was removed. However, the motor part with the fan blades still smells a little.

Should I be worried about the smell transferring to my cigars?

Thanks in advance!
I wouldn't use one thats every been used with the fragrance pack in it. Only a brand new one. Just something about a "Spring Rain Fresh" scented cigar doesn't do anything for me......
I believe the Oust fans use an oil based fragrance so I would let it run for a week or more without the fragrance and then recheck. Hopefully by then the smell will have dissapated a bit. :2
Is anyone else finding it hard to locate these? I have one and was going to pick up a spare, I went to 5 different grocery stores over the past week and nobody carries them. (even the store I got the first one from)... I should have horded when I had the chance. But no I would never use a used one even the slightest smell will prob ruin many cigars. :2
I would not use it until there is no smell left. Try placing it in a gallon bag with baking soda maybe :2

Is anyone else finding it hard to locate these?

Considering that these have been discontinued for months now, they are becoming increasingly harder to find. Anytime I have seen them since basically Christmas, I buy all the ones they have left. If you can find them, buy them, someone will need them :tu
Do you have Home Depot where you live? I bought two there last week, I think they were about $5 each. They had 10 - 15 in stock.
I left mine outside for about a month to get rid of the scent. There was still a slight trace, but it didn't effect my stogies as far as I could tell.
I would not use it until there is no smell left. Try placing it in a gallon bag with baking soda maybe :2

Considering that these have been discontinued for months now, they are becoming increasingly harder to find. Anytime I have seen them since basically Christmas, I buy all the ones they have left. If you can find them, buy them, someone will need them :tu

I placed the fan mechanism in a tupperware container with a small container full of baking soda. It's been running for around a week. I don't think I smell any fragrance. I'm a bit paranoid so I may be conjuring up some smells in my head. I think I'll run it for a week more and have my wife test smell. Thanks for all the input from everyone:tu
Personally, I wouldn't use one that has had fragrance run through it. I would put up a WTB thread looking for one, im sure a BOTL on here has one for sale.
