Part 2 of...Fuente Porn! The likes of which you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE!


Gorila Cabrón
As he hands me my credit card slip, the guy says, "Yeah...I have some Opus X that have been here as long as those añejos."

I'm convinced that the guy saw me twitch as he said that; but the drool would have given me away anyway, we were in his cellblock, and I was gonna be his b****. No getting around it.

He opens the walk-in, goes up on the stepladder, and comes down with...

Do you see how yellow and dog-eared that paper cover is?

I look inside the box; closer...


It is at this point in the story that my memory fails me; I believe that I might actually have been openly weeping by this time; the evil, evil little man behind the counter smiling knowingly.

I do remember through the tears that I was chucking credit cards at the guy like a ninja, ready to pay whatever he asked for these treasures.

It wasn't too bad, given that you're going to find aged Fuente Opus X Chateau de la Fuente's again NEVER!

About $25 a stick. I'd pay it again, gladly.

By the way...did you count how many in the box?


Just like the añejos.

Curious, eh?
The shop keeper must have been old St. Nicholas himself! Nice, very, very nice! BTW, you owe me a new keyboard for my powerbook. I just ruined it with drool! :dr
Some people just can't help it... and that's not a bad thing!!!!! Nice pick-ups... some of the finest one can ever find!!!!!
These do not appear to have suffered from any water damage, or have any mold on them -- congratulations! To help you date the cigars, they are 1998 or later. By the look of the cello, 1998/1999 is probably about right.

For more information, please see this Fuente Fuente Opus X info & MSRP page... and enjoy the cigars.

If they have been stored well, I think you are in for a treat. Aged Opus are wonderful things, you will be surprised at how different they taste from the fresh variety...
Now that is what I am talking about! I don't know how that guy could even sell those. If that were my shop and I discovered 90s Opus, I would immediately take them home!
Thanks lengaumor for starting this thread; thanks to Six String and Moki for all the fantastic info they contributed. I've learned a lot from these two threads!:w
Now that is what I am talking about! I don't know how that guy could even sell those. If that were my shop and I discovered 90s Opus, I would immediately take them home!

:tpd: Dayum! That above statement convinces me that none of us gorillas could own a shop and be successful. Any time we would get anejos in or Opus or Hemmies and someone wanted to buy some, "I am sorry those are for display purposes only", and then take them home to the personal humi. Well I know I would do that.