Passed in her sleep at the age of 101


My 101 year old Grand Mother passed away this early morning. She has been in hospital since January and was in a morphine assisted deep sleep since this past Friday.
My Grand Father passed away almost 45 years ago and for the past 3 or 4 years my Grand Mother has been looking forward to re-joining him when God was ready to take her from us.
This is not a mournful time for our family, but one of bitter-sweetness as we were all hoping she would pass without any further suffering. She lived a very full life and was an active volunteer at the Veterans Hospital Day Center for over 35 years and was only made to stop doing this less than a year ago. She was a well travelled and fiercely independent woman who loved by all who met her.
I'm asking for prayers for her as well as my family.
Thank you.
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prayers sent to you and your family...

on a side note i bet she had some cool stories, everytime i talk to some one in there 70-80s the stories are AWESOME...
Wow! Sounds like a true "wonderful life!" Prayers to you and your family, but indeed, hers is a life to be celebrated and it seems that she was truly ready to go home!
My condolences on the loss of your Grandmotherm sounds like she had a wonderful full life. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Mark.
sounds like she had a great and fulfilling life. Not everyone gets to make it 100 years, I hope I am that lucky. I'm sorry for your loss, but it looks like your family is focused on celebrating her long and wonderful life.
I am thankful for the peace you have. What an extraordinary accomplishment - to reach 101! May the Lord be with your family and help you to have clear memories of all the wonderful times you shared.
Prayers for you and your family and your Grand Mother in this sad/happy time now that she has gone to be with your Grand Father.
Thoughts and prayers sent.

It sounds like your GM is a great candidate for a Celebration of Life party. I'm willing to bet that the family doesn't know about a lot of the great things and funny stories from her life. I suggest putting one together at the VA Center or her church and putting out the word in the local newspapers. Hire a professional videographer.

I learned so much about my Grandfather when he passed. He was a quiet card dealer in Butte MT, but 2 senators, the governor, and lots of local politicians and judges came to his wake. Never would have thought.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Marc. We often forget or take for granted the wonderful people in our life. It sounds to me that she was loved and respected by you and her family for what and who she was and lived a long fulfilling life. It is what we all aspire too.

I talked to my 92 year old grandmother just yesterday as she called for my sons 6th birthday 8 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren and she never forgets any of them.

What a wonderful life to celebrate through the tears of loss. I can only imagine how many lives she touched in her 101 years of life and how many more from this point forward. May life's blessings lighten your heart.
Marc, I am sorry for the passing of your Grandmother but I am glad that it was in her sleep.

Like you said she had a long life and touched many people I am sure she will never be forgotten.