Perdomo Reserve Champagne X review


This is my first review so please keep in mind I have a rookie palette.... well here goes.

Perdomo Reserve Champagne "X" Torpedo (7X54)

Wrapper/ Construction: USA/ Conn. shade - Light golden brown, construction appears flawless, there was no prominent veining noted. It felt solid in my hand, but had a good sponginess when lightly squeezed.

Prelight: The foot had a nice sweet smell that reminded me a little of molasses, I cut the head and took a nice long draw. The cigar had a pleasant creamy sweet tobacco flavor, and the draw was excellent. When I lit the cigar, it took to the flame really well with a nice easy; even light.

First Third: Just as expected the Perdomo started with a mild creamy taste and a notable sweet oak taste. The draw was excellent allowing for ample thick smoke. Once the cigar got a good run going, it proved to have an even burn that held throughout the cigar. The ash seemed a little thin, and tended to only hold for about an inch before it would drop off on its own.

Second Third: The second third reveled a flavor that reminded me of buttered toast, but it still had hints of sweetness to it. The sweetness still reminded me of molasses. The hints oak flavor wasn't there so much, but maybe a little bit still.

Last Third: The last third didn't really show a whole lot of change from the second third. The hints of molasses I was tasting seemed to subside. The most notable part of the last third was just before I laid the cigar to rest, a definite cocoa taste came through.

This was the first Perdomo Reserve Champagne I have smoked, and overall I considered the cigar very enjoyable. It lasted about on one hour and fifteen minutes. To me it was a mild to medium bodied cigar that had some very prominent flavor notes to it. I am defiantly looking forward to trying it again. I paid $9.25 for it at my local B&M, but they are more known for their large selction than low prices.

And that is it folks, my first cigar review. Let me know what you think.

Nice detail and good description of the flavors (which can be hard to do). Not sure that I'd seek out this cigar, but it sounds a lot better than some of the stuff I've tried lately! ;)

I think that was an excellent first review! I personally prefer the Cuban Parejos in the Perdomo line, as they offer the same flavor profile you are describing for a (significantly) reduced cost - they hit the town of Bittersville a little bit sooner, but for the price they are a great smoke.
Nice review Trent. I like the Perdomo Champagne also. Since you like these, you might want to try a Fonseca 5-50 or 10-10. They have a similar taste profile, with a little more flavor. IMO
I have to say, of the six or so Perdomos I've tried, none of them have been very good. They've all been a bit stale/bitter/"flat", whether they are fresh off the truck or have been aging for a month or two.
Very nice review. I concur that Perdomos seem to be very well constructed in the X size, the Champagne is tasty for a light smoke.:tu